Life update - things are so busy here, I could scream. Or cry. My colleague did - broke down crying today because she felt so stressed out and pressured and overwhelmed. I didn't actually cry in front of anyone. But I did tell Boss2, for the first time *ever*, that I was feeling somewhat close to being overwhelmed, myself. Not that I'd fall apart and be stupid- I just can't afford to drop *any* of the balls I'm juggling until ... oh... September or so. GRRRRRRR!!!
... On the one hand, the perks are nice. Ran around NYC with Boss1 all day yesterday. On the other hand, having gotten up at 5am, and returning home to drop him off at 7pm, he informed me that he'd like me to do some (extensive) research... and have it ready for tomorrow morning. I went over to Canaday library... and went home when I realized I'd fallen asleep face-down on one of the study desks. Stupid work planet. Boss2 rocks. Boss1... let's just say he's gonna cry when we all leave. Someday.
Anyhoooo.... here's a meme, for giggles:
The Knuckle ScraperPeople Iced:TwentyCar Bombs Planted:ThirteenFavorite WeaponShotgunArms Broken:ThreeEyes Gouged:Twenty SixTongues Cut Off:ThreeBiggest Enemy:Twitch
Get Your HITMAN Name Finally - does anyone happen to know where I could find a copy of the SciFi Channel bit where the sexy chick (cgi-ed?) suddenly lets loose a really long, froggy-snakey tongue? Believe or not, I need it for work!
Lots of love to all. I'll whine less next time, I promise.