Feb 08, 2005 22:15
Well for my first post, I'm going to complain, a lot. First off work is not going well, I mean I get along with everyone and it's not hard at all. I just find myself short of money, almost all the time. I am grateful for what little I make but the problem is, it's not enough to save for a car and pay for other things too. Like food during and after school, or even pool. Things that I should be able to go do, so I find myself taking money out of the bank promising that I can pay myself back and when I finally do get payed my pay only leave me with $40 until the next payday. This is especially true lately since my hours are being cut down, because the owner isn't making money. So I'm stuck, I can't make any more money that I am, I can't work any more hours, nor can I be promoted to a waiter. And until I get a car, I can't manage to really get a job anywhere else. Although this is picky and I should just get over it, I DON'T want to work with food anymore. My paycheck is based on people's appetites. How comforting. I hate money, but I can't live without it.
Then there's school, my classes suck, are boring, and I feel like I have few to no friends in them. It's always nice to have to work by yourself because nobody knows you nor wants to lend a helping hand. This is probably karma for all the times I've been a jerk to people but this is getting ridiculous. And in Multimedia the one class where I feel most alone, I finally get into a group...and almost all my ideas are tossed out the door. Why? Because the rest of them are to damn lazy to try and go out and shoot a few extra scenes! Which pushes me away from working with people. This is what I get for destroying my own social life.
Then there's the break up issue, everything with Christi that's been going on. For whatever reason, I'm still stressed about that. It really shouldn't matter but I let stupid things bother me. Life is just stressful right now, and for whatever reason it's got me locked in this death-grip of anger and slight depression. Although I don't show it, there are many times where I feel miserable, because things just can't seem to go right. Sure I have World of Warcraft and a few other good things, but between everything else it feels like the good things arn't lasting long enough. I feel like there's no escape and no way for me to be able to just be happy. I feel like there's something that I should be worried about, even though I don't need to worry. So even though I dish out a great deal of advise about sucking it up and getting over it, or even to just not worry, this is where I don't take my own advise. But enough complaining since I hate it anyways. Life? Simple? Hardly....