Wow! This was the best Madrigal weekend I've had in a long time. The NPCs, all the NPCs and there were a lot of them. My fellow PCs were so much fun to interact with. Thank you all for putting up with the unusual wierdness that was Zephyr this weekend, well, weirder than usual.
In no particular order of stuff:
Stuff that happened behind cut )
Wait, what? Huh?
Dude, I think Zephyr needs to slow his roll on executing random women. I heard that ended badly this one time.
Riddle me this demon.
I was really unsure whether to go, once I realized that the bard one was something I was terrible at. But You guys aced it, from what I say, and it was really cool to watch. I dunno why, I really love almost any encounter that takes place down by that amphitheatre. It's such a cool space.
There was a new NPC (Nicole) playing a bardNicole is awesome. I had had the good fortune of getting to run bard RP for her at Numina, so I was really ( ... )
On the other hand, JJ and I totally don't have a contest running about how many Asian-y plots we can sucker you into. Not even a little.
Awesome job on making the riddling inclusive!
And ditto, on the music-ing!
I are subtle!
(Yay, awesome singing!)
Yeah, I felt a bit bad at making the bard contest so non-musical, but I couldn't think of any musical version where I would have even a vague chance at winning, and that has to be a possibility. Glad you enjoyed watching it, anyway.
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