And because I'd be really remiss if I posted about the haunted house without talking about something way more important, I'm going to talk about something that's way more important. My darling wife is going in for yet another abdominal surgery on Monday, November 7th. She'll be going in to NY City to the Beth Isreal hospital where two surgeons will be working on removing what they suspect is a piece of mesh from a previous surgery.
It may be a same day surgery, though they will likely keep her overnight. There will likely be a wound vac machine in place for some time as they try to get the infection to clean out and heal over completely before they close her up.
Thirtheenth time's the charm? Here's hoping.
This means we will not be able to make the 2020 Vision Quest Peak Potential Auction/Dinner. This does NOT mean that you should skip it just because we can't make it. It is for a very good cause and a lot of fun beside. I'm really disappointed to be missing it. So if you haven't already, go out there and buy your tickets.