Merry Christmas everyone! Yeah, I know, I'm a little late. I've been away from my computer since last Wednesday night. I'm still shaking with withdrawal symptoms.
Monique and I drove to VA on Thursday night after work. The actual travel was light and easy, 5 1/2 hours with two stops. We've been staying in a hotel in Fairfax.
Friday morning we drove back up to Baltimore to pick up my son Nick, his wife Nellie and our grandson Jason. After that, the bulk of our time has been spent at my sister-in-law's. There has been much card playing, TV watching, cookie eating and just general shit shooting. Christmas Eve was the most chaotic present orgy I've ever seen. Utter pandemonium I tell you caused by too many people having multiple agendas with very tight timelines. The kids had a great time at first, but it quickly wore on them. Still, overall, it was a fun family Christmas.
I got two very unusual but absolutely delightful gifts. The first was an antique roll of music for a player piano. My daughter-in-law Nellie saw it at a yard sale over the summer and thought of me. That was really cool. The second thing was a didgeredoo. Now I will have to learn how to play it. It's very cool looking and will definitely join my ever growing collection of unusual instruments. I'll have to figure out some way to work it into LARPing too. I'm sure it will drive
silway crazy if I do. ;-)
There was a definite memorable moment that I've got to share. My grandson Jason was playing horse with his dad. Nick brought him over to pepere (me) for a kiss. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he goes, "Awwwwwww, that makes my heart happy!" It was so cute.
We caught the Patriots game Sunday at a local sports bar along with
browstein and
jrosenthol . This was a first for me. And omg did we overeat while cheering for the Pats in the middle of Redskins country. I'm just glad we weren't playing them. Of course, if we had been it would have been televised and we wouldn't have had to go to the sports bar.
Afterwards we went to burkefireguy's place and met with a bunch of friends. That was an absolutely marlvelous time and not even as full of LARP war stories as is typical, a good thing for Monique's comfort levels.
Yesterday I went out with burkefireguy for some alone time and we sat and chatted over coffee in the mall for a few hours, followed by a delightful evening out with silverhare and browstein and my sister-in-law, her son and my mother-in-law. The dinner was a thank you for the awesome Christmas present silverhare had done for me (that I still have to put up when I get back home, I know).
Today we've just stayed in at the hotel, reading in the comfort of the hotel lobby in front of the fireplace. It's been very relaxing and thus I have the opportunity to catch up on my past few days which have been truly grand. And the best part is that I have the rest of the week off. Yay!
If I don't post again before then or talk to you personally, have a happy New Year! And if I do post again or do talk to you personally, well, I *still* hope you have a very happy New Year! :-)