Fun weekend

Dec 22, 2008 09:26

It started with Marlin letting us out at about 1:00 on Friday, a good 1/2 hour after it was really too late to be worth letting us out early.  It had been snowing heavily for a while and the roads were already bad.  I chose to stay and work for a few more hours, hoping that by 4:00ish, all the idiots would be off the road, either because they would be home by then or because they'd just be off the road.

One guy I work with had gone out before the storm.  It took him 25 minutes to reach his destination.  He came back after the storm had started.  It took him an hour and a half to get back.  That was right around the time they let us out and he had gone about half way to where I live.  So the fact that it took me two and a half hours to make my normal 50 minute commute wasn't too bad.  And yeah, there were a lot of people off the road.

Ok, that wasn't really part of a fun weekend, but it deserved honorable mention here since it was sort of the prelude to the weekend.  Friday night was nice.  We stayed in and had a nice roaring fire and watched TV.

Saturday we did prep work for a trip to Providence.  My 7 year old nephew Joey who lives in VA is a big Patriots fan so we got him two tickets to yesterday's game with some help from the number one Patriots' fan (that's my brother, just in case any of you didn't know that).   Monique and I brought the tickets to RI to meet up with Joey and his father Mike.  We met them at a Legal Seafood near the hotel they were staying at.  Monique wanted to give the tickets to Joey in person so we could see his reaction.  It was really quite precious and I'm glad we did it.

The highlight of the time with them was when Joey was reading the menu.  He got real excited and goes, "They have crab cakes!", and I said, "You like crab cakes?" and he says, "No!".  The delivery just made it so hysterical.

Monique and I have a Christmas tradition that dates back 27 years now.  Our first Christmas together, we weren't together for Christmas.  We were both in college and our last day together was December 21st, so we exchanged gifts on that day.  The next year we were married and she asked if we could continue the tradition.   "Hmmmm, let me see, start a tradition of opening our presents four days early?  Ok."  Yeah, that was a tough sell.  :-)

Since the 21st was yesterday, I'm probably telling you this because we have celebrated this tradition again.  The other part of our trip to RI was a surprise (for me) overnight stay at a hotel in downtown providence so that we could go see a play on Sunday.  This was my Christmas present from Monique.  The play was at the Trinity theatre, about two blocks from the hotel, and it was called "The Receptionist".  I have no idea how it was, as we decided that the weather was bad enough to skip the play and head home early to avoid having a loooooong drive in the dark with icy conditions.  I was a little bummed that we missed the play, but very happy to get home without having to face that drive later.  It was pretty bad as it was.

However, we had a marvelous night Saturday night.  The bed was the best I think I've ever slept in and I have a fantastic night's sleep.  The restaurant was great and we had a sumptuous breaksfast.  All in all, the experience was still a lot of fun and I very much enjoyed my weekend.

We got home and Monique watched the second half of the Pats game while I took the snow blower to our driveway.  Then we watched more football, drank hot cocoa and relaxed in front of a nice fire before hitting the sack around 9:00.

weekend, christmas

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