moblogging edinburgh

Apr 27, 2010 11:28

april 08 i arrived in edinburgh.
i stayed there for about a week with aiya  - meico  wasn't there because he couldn't be bothered to fly his ass from los angeles. something to do with work i guess. so instead, me n debs went out a bunch!

the night i arrived was also dinner night at the one korean joint in all of edinburgh (Shilla) - and one of two in all of scotland.
the same owner has one in glasgow but i've not tried it yet.
amrita showed up (she was visiting scotland with her boy), fiona and baz, jackie (poisonduk ) and roy (princealbert ), david imrie made the trek from glasgow, and i think that's it! (me and ayia  too)

fiona giving evil sneer
there is video
at the vimeo site

april 09 went with debs to get groceries.
we didn't buy some, but now i'm thinking i should have
at least to send to the US

Then went to a shoot that evening, and afterwards, met up with ayia and her friends for drinks at the black bull.
quite a bit of drinking was done, but luckily it wasn't me that stumbled on the street.
and since debs was driving, she waited until we shifted the party to hers.
although i ended up in bed early and hangover free the next day! yippee!
there is video at the vimeo site.

The next day, (the 10th), we got up and it was super warm and sunny,
we ended up taking an evening walk for dinner and eating at Nandos
yum! Then we saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D.

the 11th was another sunny and warm day. barrie n fiona came over for a shoot, then we packed up and left to go to theirs.
oh, and that was the day i found out my white catsuit was totally messed up from the model i lent it to last. ugh!!!

the 12th was henna day. tayibah came over and we got started after some tea n snacks.
this time it didn't take up about 5 hours - intead, it took about 4.

(hopefully photo below works as it's from facebook)


that evening was a photographer model meet thing in glasgow so we drove over and then had dinner at that yummy indian place, dhabba

on the 13th, i headed back to edinburgh.
i was craving something fancy so took ayia  to dinner at this place i found online - and it was yum
the stockbridge restaurant.
tho she wasn't excited about her pigeon starter, i loved my scallops!
i got some fish thing which was ok, tho i really wanted roe or venison of some kind.
the tripple cho desert was also pretty yum!

And on the 14th, Debs dropped me off at EDI for my flight to Amsterdam.

Just in time to miss the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull

edinburgh, moblog, uk, travel, scotland, glasgow

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