
Jan 21, 2010 13:45

ropemarks  asked in a bondage forum:
1) What do you consider "performing"?
2) Why would you want to do it?


my first response: because you can beat up innocent girls in public

then i went a bit further:

1) What do you consider "performing"?

Well, first of all, I would categorize bondage performances as performance art rather than putting it under the heading of one of performing arts (think traditional theater arts). In general, it is unconventional, non-mainstream, and sometimes more conceptual rather than aesthetically pleasing and easy to make sense of.

I've done a number of performances in a variety of ways. Some require intensive rehearsals/pre-production work (staging, blocking, lighting, sound, etc.) and others don't require much physical preparation at all. Some shows have taken place on a formal stage, while others have occurred in other less-traditional formats.
But what each complete work does require is a theme or concept, regardless of whether or not the masses will actually be able to understand the message behind the (my) madness. Not all performances require formal lighting, music, choreography, or even a storyline (linear or otherwise), but they do require a concept, theme, or idea.
There's usually a lot of pre-planning in regards to formulating the ideas and actions that will be involved. I also end up drawing on previous experiences, for example, being able to predict audience reaction as some shows may actually hinge upon being able to foretell how spectators will respond.

A few of my shows have been driven by my desire to put on more of a conceptual based piece, but unfortunately, being able to contemplate simple blatant visual acts without having read between the lines is a bit too difficult in club environments where the next drink is most important thing for the most part. Trying to force an audience to watch a piece of art while demanding they ask themselves: 'is this really art?' is a bit difficult when competing against oontz-oontz music and a bottle of vodka.

I wouldn't necessarily classify all of the shows i've done as performance art though. There are quite a few venues that just don't care and just want someone dressed up doing bondage. I would probably categorize these as more of a demonstration - they require very little forethought, organization, and are simply there to either entertain, titillate, or even educate - but without an express intent to involve all of the aspects usually involved in performance art including the use of space, time, and audience reaction/interaction. There's no specific concept or idea driving the actions.


2) Why would you want to do it?

it's my job. it's how i earn a living.

I enjoy challenging myself mentally and physically:

First of all I try to be innovative, experimental, creative. I try not to be boring (don't like people falling asleep during my shows
). Sometimes I'll attempt to put together a show that goes against what's expected. I usually pull inspiration from a variety of sources.

I try and watch as many shows that other people put on (as long as I can deal with my short attention span) so i know what not to do. And also so i avoid doing the same thing. It bugs the shit out of me to no end when i see people doing the same thing i did. (Actually, at one event, i saw someone end up getting rigged the exact same way and attempting to recreate my movements in her 'performance')

Fuckin' A!

As for the physical part, I enjoy the challenge to a certain extent. I'm so fucking lazy that I need to work my shit out. This is one way I can test my endurance and push my flexibility - although i'm realizing it helps to maybe stretch out more than once a month.

Maybe I do need to start that 'working out' thing like i've been telling myself for the past few years ...


bondage, performances, blog, work, rants, lists

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