
Jan 10, 2010 00:01

lj-tags: twitter
Twitterific stuff under the LJ cut!:

  • 01:31 a different place for once! (@ Scotty's Bar) #
  • 02:14 Avoided the usual. Stupid light at the Rodin garden was out. Time for ZzzzZZZs. got nail appt in am! #
  • 09:55 Woke up with vision so blurry & pretty much gone. Then I realized I yanked out contacts last nite. phew! #
  • 10:50 :( My local nail lady is leaving for a month, back to Vietnam. Grrr. Off to get pretty nails! #
  • 11:21 shiny shiny! (@ Bale Salon) #
  • 13:04 queued up... (@ Walgreens - Middlefield) #
  • 13:47 crawling into bed with heater on. going to watch season 5 (e) of Qi #
  • 16:49 Boo, no Hukilau in SF tonight, instead gonna maybe try San Jose: Koji Sake Lounge... mmmmm.... #
  • 17:19 SFO to ATL flight is booked! Feb 10... I hope it warms up over there!!! #
  • 17:42 PPL are telling me that it's 40〫C and more. GRRR. I want to be in Australiaaaaahhh!! #
  • 18:10 Another earthqauake in Cali ... 6.5 but up north a bit #
  • 23:33 My stick has got to get better... (@ Antonio's Nut House) #
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