After Lyon, instead of staying on the continent, i flew back to London in time for the London Fetish Weekend.
First thing I did was visit Holloway Road to see Atsuko Kudo, then spent some time at Fettered Pleasures. Ended up meeting up with Samppa and Aneta for sushi at Bento in Camden. Then back to the house.
I think I became slightly addicted to the xbox and Guitar Hero. not good!
I was planning on getting to TortureGarden a little later but forgot about the fact that i'd need to do the rehearsal for the fashion show thingy.
Ended up getting there a touch before 19h00 where me and
helene_atsuko got to see the HW Design outfits for the first time. They ended up looking like pieces from Flash Gordon/Superman - but think more along the lines of the evil characters! (Ming or Ursa from Krypton!)
The latex featured was the transparent but paint patterned sheeting with smokey black trans and black accent with a little bit of trans.
I wanted to head back to the house but realized that would just be a waste of time so I stuck around the club and got some food nearby.
The bondage show with Amrita was a smaller version of our Lyon performance - must less rehearsed and I planned on exerting less energy but during the show I kind of changed my mind and ended up becoming completely inverted for a while. Owie on my shoulders!
And AUA on my back too after Amrita sat on me.
Of course, I only realized how much it hurt the next day!
These one is from Mathieu Richardoz:
And this one is from Siberfi: After the show, I put the latex back into the box and threw on my latex track suit n flip flops and ran to the bar. Ended up dancing around and having a blast. I didn't get home until sometime near 05h30. I even left after the TG office crew so I didn't get paid out for my show even! lol!
The next day I felt the pain, but ended up meeting up with
zuckerrotermond and Sacha, Eden and Heiko, and
hyperion_101 for dinner in Shoreditch.
ynl and his work buddy came too. After eating we stumbled over to Hoxton for some drinks before stumbling home.
The following day, I packed up my things and headed for the airport for my trip to Edinburgh!