
Sep 18, 2009 08:02

lj-tags: twitter
Twitterific stuff under the LJ cut!:

  • 08:12 omg. tired. arrived london. went home. tube to victoria and now i am in wilmington. wherever that is. has the jetlag. #
  • 10:00 So tired... But trying to stay awake. it's only 18h00 here. Didn't really sleep much on the plane. Must stay awake longer... #
  • 16:48 woke up at midnight. caca. :( time for a super long lie-in. #
  • 17:07 @ LatexAlexX I just woke up :( and it's 1am. #
  • 23:06 Ugh, been awake for a few hours now. 7am... waaahhhh #
  • 23:18 clear n easy for a couple of weeks... then the big spot, right on time for the big shoot today. WTF! :-( #
  • 23:31 @ maximsphotos i fly there the 24th! Might be visiting some ppl @ #
  • 23:32 @ azrael78 if i could fall asleep i would have done so by now. :( #
  • 23:39 @ simonekross i want to go on mr toads wild ride with you!!! #
  • 23:54 @ roddovlin it's only 1. and it will destroy everything boooooh!!! #
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