so it's out!
The TortureGardenX 15th birthday DVD featuring a bunch of their family of regular performers and others is out.
i remember this event, or rather, i remember NOT attending this event. i had flown into London and was going to perform in TWO show but i ended up catching something that left me confined to bed throughout the entire weekend (and for much of my visit into London). Although i believe i did get out of the house finally in order to meet up with
suka_off for lunch before they left.
The shows/performances include Suka off, ArtKor, Empress Stah, Esme, Paloma, Satomi, Kazaya, E.Vie, the Flaming Doo Dits, Psycho Clowns, Amrita and more.
The fetish fashion shows include TortureGardenClothing, HWdesign, Puimond, House of Harlot, Inner Sanctum, and Pretty Pervy.
i really wish i could say i was in the video, but i highly doubt i am since it was filmed on a night i was inside the home, waiting for my dizziness to pass. it would have been nice to have been a part of this little TG family, but no. Not for this project.
Luckily for me, they were kind enough to include me by featuring me on the cover.
rigged by
fd_midori and shot by Craig Morey