
Mar 03, 2007 00:17

i love being able to travel around europe and not only take the time to work and earn a living, but to also visit and hang out with the same people.

this week i've received over a dozen - almost 20 - emails from girls. asking me to give them leads for finding gigs in europe. oh, excuse me. PAID gigs.

i'm not saying i know everything and everyone out there, but i'm wondering if other models get emails like this? i can't be the only one. ?

i work my ASS off sourcing new photographers and producers, both online and in real life. why should i just simply give up the information? am i getting anything out of it? am i getting a cut? or should i just be nice?

i can't remember the last time someone actually hooked me up with a lead. i mean actively contacted me and said, 'hey kumi, this guy wants to shoot you and will pay you such n such money.'

i'm not saying it hasn't happened because i know it has. it's just been a very long time and it would take some thinking.

i spend a lot of time traveling and meeting people. some of my introductions took several visits to a particular city or country. so for example, if i spend the time to fly to a city, sometimes more than ones, to physically search for and eventually - hopefully - meet up with someone i'd like to work with, why should i give up their personal contact details to someone else?

sure it's nice to help people out, but then this isnt my hobby. this is my job.

and for the record. this next trip to europe already has me helping out one model who asked for contacts and that's it. so dont bother writing me if you're going to europe in april/may/etc. i'm not an agency. but if you'd like to offer a cut of your earnings, then sure.


screw this. i'm going to the bar.

models, rant, work, fetish, rants

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