New manga based on the theory of six degrees of separation

Feb 22, 2010 11:04

I had been busy ever since I studied again that's why I haven't made a doujinshi or a new manga for a loooooonnnggg time.

One month to go till summer vacation!!! (I know others won't be having their summer vacation yet, but my all of my professors decided to have our final exams in the last week of March. March 25 will be the last day of classes. weee~

After that, I won't be doing anything for 2 months. I don't plan to go anywhere since I'm short of cash. ( ´ ▽ ` ) hee hee... I'm thinking of drawing my own manga again.

And since I'm inspired right now because I like Teppei (LoL), I thought of a new manga based on the theory of Six Degrees of Separation. (I know a lot of people know about this but for those who do not know it, it just says that one person is 6 acquaintances away from each other) I know there was an American series before entitled "Six Degrees." I haven't watched it. lol. I just knew there was. Anyway, I don't really care if people believe that theory or not. It is just fun to think that this japanese celebrity I like is only six degrees away from me. Small world, ne?

The Story:

So, basically, the story is about a girl who likes a popular guy who doesn't know her, but doesn't lose hope, thinking that he's only six degrees away. (This girl is not a stalker or anything. She just likes the guy.) This girl is a university student, but draws manga as a hobby/part-time job. She thinks about drawing a manga based on her story and hopes that the guy he likes will be able to read it/ hear about it someday to make their "degrees of separation" closer. (and of course there will also be side characters... heheh. I promised my friends to include them in my story, too) Then one character will be affected with what's happening with one character even if they still do not know each other... As you can see, this is based on my story but there would also be differences (like me being a university student, and of course I won't use our real names). But I don't really hope to reduce my degree of separation with Te-cchan. It's just the way a manga artist thinks, I guess. heheheh... (oh but if it does, then that would be really cool!!!)

It's fun to be a crazy fangirl sometimes. Really.

To  anyone who wants to be included in this manga, just reply to this post or send me a message and tell me your true story. ^^ Well, I do not personally know most of my LJ friends, and I think it would be cool to include an online friend's story in this manga. ^_^ (It shows more connections, ne?) If I liked your story, then I will include it. You don't really need to tell me your full name and stuff. Imagine the story of your life being made into a manga. Cool, ne?

I'm excited to draw again, really! :D

Oh, and this would be a Shoujo manga (obviously). I am actually not a shoujo manga fan since most of the manga I like are shonen. But I dunno why most of the manga I make are shoujo. ~_~ ...and for some LJ friends who want their stories to be included but are not sure if my drawing skills are ok, visit and see if you like my drawing style. Be sure to check out the doujinshi/manga/comics I made. ^_^

Ja! Mata!

manga. barbypornea, six degrees of separation

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