I changed my LJ layout + rants about TRC190 spoilers

May 13, 2008 06:38

I changed my layout to CCS Syaoran and Sakura. I got the original layout from
premade_ljs  and edited it to be a SakuraxSyaoran layout. ^_^ See my new LJ layout.

Anyway, reading the spoilers for Chapter 190 of TRC was like reading the actual chapter. "Syaoran's" flashbacks continue. And FUJITAKA WAS THE KING OF CLOW???? WTH! I thought Clow Reed was the king... Oh well. My theory is that Clow Reed was once like FWR, then he failed to revive a certain someone. (just like what Yuuko said, that Clow Reed himself proved that 'that' wish couldn't be granted) Then everything got messed up. FWR had a wish, too, and worsened the situation. And then "Syaoran" wished to rewind his time. FWR created Cloney and... WAAAAAHHHHH! *explodes*

Who could this person Clow Reed wanted to revive be? hmmm... Watanuki? nah. maybe Yuuko? omgyuuko'saghost? I wonder who...

I refuse to call CCS Syaoran and Sakura's child "Syaoran"  because he is not Syaoran. But I don't know what to call him. Some people call him Not!Syaoran, Baby Syaoran, Syaoron (XiaoLong), others still stuck with R!Syaoran, waaaahhhh... I dunno.... Maybe I'll call him Li-chan. heheheh... he's a Li right? But he's not Syaoran. So maybe I could call him Not!Syaoran. Or maybe RealNot!Syaoran (mygosh that's confusing). Anyway, I've always believed that his name is not Syaoran since that time CloneSakura told him,

"You're name is also Syaoran, right?"... or somewhat like..

"Mokona told me your name is also Syaoran," and then he answered,

"No it's..... well, right."

Since that time XiaoLong (Syaoron) appeared in Horitsuba, I believed that XiaoLong could be his name.  But this detail had been ignored, so I also continued to call him R!Syaoran. But I'm not sure yet whether XiaoLong is his name. I think I just have to wait until CLAMP decides to reveal it.

I've also noticed that in that tube scene in chapter 1, Syaoran didn't have his goggles with him. I wonder if that's a detail that had to be ignored since we can still see him wearing it inside the ruins before the flashbacks started. If that scene happened before the TRC story started, I wonder why it was not with him. If it's just about to happen, then I wonder how it would get removed.

And the fact that Yuuko was still keeping Sakura's memories of Cloney makes me believe that Cloney is still the protagonist of TRC, even after the revelations about Li-chan. :D And even he's not the protagonist, I would love Cloney forever. heheh... And Cloney's name is "Syaoran," since Fujitaka gave him that name. So Cloney's name is "Syaoran", unless FWR gave him a name before he was sent to Clow Country.

... as I've said before, I wouldn't be surprised if it would be revealed that TRC Sakura's name is "Tsubasa." XDDDDDD

Hey CLAMP! Remember this!!! Only Syaoran could be with Sakura!!! So, better give Li-chan's, Xiaolong's (or whatever he's called) Sakura another name!!! (well, that's if he's not really Syaoran. with that time/dimension-travelling, past and future thingie, I dunno what's what anymore.)

Oh, and yeah, I just thought of something. If there was a Sakura in Clow Country, then there should be a Syaoran in Clow Country, too (and not from CCS world). Where is the "real" Syaoran of Clow Country?(OMG what if he's dead and he's the one FWR is trying to revive? What if the Syaoran of Clow Country is the son of FWR??? nah... maybe not. I'm having these stupid theories again.

syaoran, sakura, trc

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