
Apr 07, 2008 09:38

One of the wonderful members has supplied me with a PDF of the "kumimonster" entry that began this unfortunate series of events. I will not name anyone, as I do not want the LJ po po to expel anybody over this if they have an issue with me providing an OFF LJ Hosted link to it. I have permission from the original poster to host these on my photobucket account. DO you see LJ Abuse Team? Kumi always follows reasonable rules and is respectful of heavy handed unfair rules as well.


That link will take you to 6 .jpg images which are screen captures. If anyone has screen captures of subsequent pages of "kumimonster" that show the interaction between her and LJ Abuse please send them my way. I have permission to post those too.

We have gathered nearly 200 signatures! Well done. BUT let us PUSH for more. LJ has made statements that petitions do not work. I imagine that to be true. Interestingly enough many of our community of us have at least one paid LJ. Perhaps seeing how many of their PAYING customers disagree with TOS policy and heavy handed knee jerk reactions by Abuse Team will at least give them reason to pause.

Thank you to all who have signed. Thank you to all who have posted and cross posted about kumicorps. PLEASE CONTINUE. We want a NICE healthy load of signatures before we approach LJ Management with our petition. Oh and add kumi_monster to you friends list.....I understand that she is bored with no friends to read on her temporary LJ!

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