Oh look, anudda wun...

Mar 21, 2005 14:37

Bummer morning. Letting the dog in, I caught my thumb on some sharp part of the screen door and ripped a big hole in it (my thumb, not the door). Doors are more durable than thumbs. I now know this for future reference.

Why are my bandages labeled "sheer"? I imagine 'sheer' as something subtly revealing, to be seductive or sexy. I don't find boo-boo's sexy, and don't want to. I'm sure there is an appropriately named fetish out there for folks who do find sheer bandages erotic ("Oooh, look - you can almost see the scab... Whoa!"). But I'm not into it. Boo-Boo's suck - Ouch!

I'll have to mention to Dave that I need a little "kiss me, make it better" time when he gets home.

Hmm... Oh yeah, here's another quizulator thinggie:

How to make a kumas_human

3 parts friendliness

5 parts brilliance

3 parts joy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lovability

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
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