Just got back from the Indianapolis fighting game meetup. It was pretty good. There were a lot of setups (six total, I think), and pretty much everyone could be on a game if they wanted to be. The two most played games of the night were (unsurprisingly) Marvel and Mortal Kombat. Marvel was on two setups (down to one for a short time while SSF4 was played), and MK was on 2-3 (The third setup was split between MK and
Moon Diver). There was a lot of time where two of the MK stations were free.
Somewhat surprisingly, the game that seemed to be most watched was Guilty Gear. At one point during the evening, about half the people there were watching Guilty Gear. Mortal Kombat had the second biggest gathering, and Marvel wasn't really watched much.
SSF4 seems to be pretty much dead in the Indy community right now. Only myself and one other person played it all night. I think most people have put the game on hold until AE comes out (which makes it somewhat awkward that I've chosen now to start playing SF4).
I think there were about 15 people there total, although I could be underestimating, since people came and went at different times. Overall, it was a fun night, and I finally got to play a decent amount of Marvel in person. I have been playing online so much that I had to re-adjust my timing to playing without lag.
A couple people expressed interest in Vampire Savior, so I may bring that next time. I talked about Soul Calibur 2 with people, but I doubt it would actually get played if I brought it, which is fine with me. People seemed to share my negative opinion of Soul Calibur 3 and 4. Almost nobody seems to be interested in BlazBlue (which is fine, since I'm traveling to play other games), although a number of people expressed interest in trying out Arcana Heart 3.