My First Chemistry 1A Midterm at Berkeley

Feb 06, 2006 20:50

What the fuck was that?! I did everything that I was supposed to: 1.) Stayed on top of the readings while even doing additional problems 2.) Studied the whole weekend and today and I went to the SLC for help, yet I still feel as if I completely failed that chemistry midterm. It was just slightly more pleasant than getting ass raped by Queen Latifa (speaking of whom, I still haven't seen "Last Holiday"...). I am truly depressed to think that I studied the whole weekend and put in so much effort just to fail this midterm. The grades are posted tomarrow morning, ugh. To make tomarrow even worse, I have 3 staight hours of Calculous (discussion followed by lecture).
Back to the midterm, this is my breakdown of it:
Out of the 37 MC questions, the first 29 were quite simple and were not abstract at all. They were based on everything that was covered in text. But 30-37?!! What the fuck?! We had only one problem like that out of the 50 problems we were assigned this semester and they base almost a third of our midterm on it?! Bastards! I really think that I got a low C at best. To answer your question, no this shit is not curved! What happens is that the proffessor says he won't curve the class (to prevent students from competetively working against eachother), but he always does at the end of the semester. Which gives me some hope. Whatever, if I did poorly on this midterm, then at least I did it with dignity since I know I tried my hardest. I'll find out how I did tomarrow morning, I'm sure that will put me in a deep depressive state for a whole week. Which means no sketch this weekend, I can't sketch it up and get into all types of debauchery at Berkeley if I feel horrible. I just feel like a complete and utter failure.
Moving on, I am also upset about the apparent lack of decent guys at Berkeley. The one run in I had with a guy this semester was a complete disaster which I shudder to think of. I have realized that all of the decent guys here are either gay or taken, I give up.
On to a more positive note, I really like my Comparative Literature Class. My professor is Israeli and therefore awesome, but she is also a great teacher and I have learned a lot from her. I'm reading "Dangerous Liasons" for her class and it's amazing. It's the novel that "Cruel Intentions" was based on. Obviously it's all about sex, lies, deceit, scandal, blackmail...and what's not to love about that?! Is it sad that the only positive aspect of my life at this point is reading for Com Lit? Probably.
Oh yeah, one of my Hasbara friends has facebooked me, which is quite random, but also a nice surprise.
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