日本語でVoice Meme

Nov 22, 2011 16:28

Since everyone on twitter is doing this, I decided to join in by recording my super retarded voice speaking 噛み噛み Japanese! \(^o^)/ It's pretty bad, so listen at your own risk lmao. It was fun though.

日本語でVoice Meme by Rin

日本語でVoice Meme

Nihongokoe Quiz!

Anata no hontou no koe de shitsumon wo shoujiki ni kotaete kudasai
(Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible in your natural voice)

sorekara [hai] toka [iie] no kotae wa kinshi desu. Anata no honne no kotae wo koetette kudasai
(Simple “Yes” and “No” answers aren’t allowed. Please answer truthfully)

Answer as much of this in Japanese as you can.

1. Anata no namae wa?
(What’s your name)

2. Anata wa nansai desuka?
(How old are you?)

3。あなたの大好きな食べ物は何ですか? 何でですか?
3. Anata no daisuki na tabemono wa nandesuka? nandedesuka?
(What’s you’re favorite food and why?)

4. Anata no daisuki na artist wa dare desuka? nandedesuka?
(Who is your favorite music artist and why?)

5. Sukina shuumi wa nandesuka? Nandedeshouka?
(What are your hobbies? Why?)

kono kotoba ga hontou no koede ittekudasai
Please say the following words in your natural voice

tumblr, ブログ、友達、リンゴ、ラムネ、ケータイ、アニメ、エビ、私、僕、俺、パパヤ 、GO MY WAY, お前はも死んでいる!愛してる!アイーラブーユー

Tumblr, blog, tomodachi, ringo, ramune, ke-tai, anime, ebi, watashi, boku, ore, papaya, go my way, omae wa mo shindeiru! Aishiteru! I love you-!

6. Anata no suki na bangumi wa nandesuka?
(What’s your favorite TV show?)

7. Saikin anata no hoshikatta mono wa nandeshouka?
(What have you been wanting lately?)

8. 英語話しますか?話せるなら英語の一言をどうぞ
8. Eigo hanashimasuka? Hanaseru nara eigo no hitokoto wo douzo
(Can you speak English? If you can please say something in English)

9. Kono quiz wa dou datta?
(How was this quiz?)

10. Tsugi no hito ni hitokoto wo douzo
(Please say something to the next people doing this quiz)

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!


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