Im on a roll, two updates in as many days!
I got tagged by Loonykat (and i didnt even realise lol ^^;;)
Here's my answers (ignore the bad handwriting, my excuse is left-handedness :D)
Yes that is a Disney Princess note pad
I tagged only 1 person cus most of the people on my f-list have been tagged or are tagged lol
Flicky109 muwhaha youre it! :3
The rules:
1. Write your LJ username
2. Write your two favorite bands/groups at the moment [not overall, just currently]
3. Write either I ♥ k-pop ; I ♥ j-pop ; I ♥ c-pop [this isn't really for anything, just to see how you draw hearts xD]
4. Write the name of your favorite person of all time [e.g. Gackt]
5. Write down your recently favored person [e.g. Ogurin]
6. Tag 5 people to do this meme. XD
EDIT: i also noticed i only put one band i like down lol BAKA! Ummm the second one is Lady GaGa (dunno if she counts) I love her funky music. But T&T are still ichiban for me ^_^