So today I worked all day to finish my sweets jewelry!!
My back was hurting SOO bad for some reason, so I ended up laying on the floor X'D
I am waaay impressed with my IceCreams, I hadnt imagined them as cute as this! X3
My macarons are..... cute, I guess, but I see them as a bit evil since the little buggers take almost a week to finish! DX
I ran out of varnish about half-way through, so my dad went to get me some more. He got a spray kind... it doesnt work very well, so I ended up using nail-art varnish!
SO onto the pictures! The picture taking process is therapudic for me... Its finally letting me get some sleep over the fact they are all finished.. 2 days after my goal, but oh well. -___-;
Everything together!!
it does NOT look like much DX
That is like.... 5 days of work ;3; (am I just slow?)
On the DS: Rings- 9 IceCreams and 5 Macarons(I STILL havent received my ring bases >__<)
Cell Straps- 2 macaron, 2 IceCream
Next to the DS: 1 IceCream necklace, and 1 Macaron neckalce
Macaron Ring Close-up
(the top one is PINK not ORANGE lol)
Ice Cream Rings!
My Favorite is the yellow one in the middle XD I dont wan to sell it ;3;
Cell Phone Charms!!
Macaron, Icecream, IceCream, Macaron!
IceCream necklace,
Macaron Necklace!
(I had SO much trouble with theese -__- I don't know why..)
I also have bag pins, but I ran out of beads for the chain, so I am deciding how to finish them XD
Yeah. So, Tell me what you think?
Any Critiques are welcome! I want to improve!!!