Oct 13, 2005 23:49
It's funny how people choose to be hurtful...and then attempt to martyr themselves after the fact, as if they are the ones who are injured, rather than the ones who committed the injury. It's also funny how they twist the truth into being what they want it to be...such as trying to equate an argument to intentionally publicly embarassing a friend. It's very misleading to offer friendship, and to yet have the ability and heartlessness to publicly and purposefully hurt that friend when that friend was obviously not in any way trying to hurt them. It's also funny how they, instead of being a grown up and apologizing for their intentional hurtfulness, choose to try to justify and excuse their actions by referencing how dark and unhappy they are. It's also funny how these people accuse others of always having to be right...although I suppose if anyone would know all about that it would be them. Its also funny how these people accuse the people who listened to them the most attentively, and even went so far as to care about them as people...care about them enough to try to help and comfort them....of not listening. The real irony here, is how these people claim to be your friend, and then turn around in the same breath and hurt you entirely on purpose for the crime of respecting them enough to tell them the truth. Apparently these people do not really deserve respect...or trust...or friendship. So, I hope that these people are very happy in their sad, pathetic, lonely little worlds where they have hurt, and thus alienated the people who made the mistake of giving them their trust and caring.
I'm sorry to everyone not involved who read this :P