Apr 08, 2005 21:18
wheeeee i havent updated in a great while.
so i just spent a rather long time in hanover with mes amies et ma mere (with a little bitty 2 hour long break for a violin lesson). i like the little nifty used book store amy showed me *claps for amie* tis nifty and they have a little basket of buttons. which were nifty. and i bought five.
hmmm...amie, did you know that if you spell your name with an ie its like amie (ya know, friend en francais)...and thats kul.
haha so i have this weird preoccupation with freezing drinks right now. i want to freeze coffee and pour milk over it...mmm doesnt that sound yummy?
i ate dindin at the wrap. and it was mm mm good. and then i went to dartmouth books and bought youth in revolt, catch 22, catcher in the rye, and some book about this guy with multiple personalities that sounded funny. so if anyone wants to read the when im done, let me know! hmmm i have a rather large number of books...i could open a used book store! and we could sell frozen coffee and people named amie and have a grand old time. (if anyone wants to help, call me, we can work something out...)