(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 15:24

You scored as Hot. You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you.

What is your sexual style?
created with QuizFarm.com

Alrighty, i havent update in ages, but i think my need for LJ has been on an decline ever since i started uni.
Ever since ive been here ive had to grow i guess, either that or become a snivelling wreck, a broken shell of a man.
Even though the friday was a goddamn mess and just made me feel really shitty, a friend having her car stolen and just a generally crappy night, ill expand on that later, because yesterday i felt really good about myself.

I feel like ive grown so much, and that ive changed so much, and i think that i know more about myself then i ever have before, i know almost exactly what kind of person i am, and what kind of person i want to be in the future. I know what i want out of life, and i know that living here has helped me realise these things alot faster then if i had stayed in Broken Hill.

I have met alot of good people here, sure they have flaws, but these people are MY kind of people heh, there are alot of bastards on the central coast, alot of skanks etc etc, but i dont generally have to deal with them, i see them as i drive by, and as i walk through the shopping center, but i dont have to associate with people i think are stupid dumbasses who use their muscles more then their brains, and their hands on their cocks as they sit alone at night tossing off to porn vids with their mates.

But ive met geeks! These people are awesome, i can associate with all of them to some extent, and they all make me laugh in some way. The truth is that some of these guys you couldnt even all geeks, as they like their cars and and they go out clubbing and whatnot, but guess what? They arent teeny bopper fuckwits! They've got brains, and they use them.

So besides my good friends Myrddin, KrE8oR, and CRaZy, i would like to introduce you all to 3 people who i think are really good people and who i would like to call friends: MV and GiGi, and Monk

MV and GiGi are a couple that i see every friday night and i see MV sometimes at uni. Theyre cool people, MV's (stands for Moloko Valosis if anyone has seen A Clockwork Orange) real name is Josh, and GiGi's (Geek Girl) is Jane.
MV is a cool guy who makes me laugh all the time, he loves modding his machine and is building an awesome PC right now. He drinks every Friday and usually tries to get me too as well even though im driving :p
He looks like hes older then me, about 21-23 say, but hes only 18 0_o, kinda shocked to find out im older then him. Hes a little shorter then me and has a beard thing going on, and has strange afro hair, well its long and fuzzy anyway, he doesnt look like an idiot anyway *shrug*

Thin guy too. Every friday night at NetStation there is usually some kind of "Boom party" going on next door at the youth center, and you wouldnt believe the amount of teeny boppers that attend them, and sometiems we get groups of them wandering in to NetStation just looking at all the shiny technology, so MV gets pissed and prints out a large sign, usually saying something along the lines of " NO TEENY BOPPERS, LOWIES, EMO PUNKS, ...." etc etc, ends the sign with KTHANKBAI, sometimes pastes these stickers that say "leet" on the borders, and sticks this sign on the front door.

So thats MV, a funny bastard he is, and a good person.

GiGi is about a head shorter then me, slim, short brown hair, and comes with MV to talk to us guys and uses her computer to listen to heavy metal and sometimes plays games with us too, shes not bad, she even kills me sometimes which is embarrassing because she hardly ever plays, she likes to rub it in too :p
Shes a very social girl and we all respect her and like to make jokes with her at MV's expense :p

The latest one was her telling us how she wanted to go to bed but MV wanted to keep playing a game and ended up playing for hours while she stayed up waiting for him :p I suggested she put on something lacy and putting on a coy voice and saying "come to bed dear", she laughed and said that he probably wouldnt go for that because its a new game and he wanted to test it out good and proper, he then turned around and wanted to know what we were talking about, so she asked him, "Me in lacy underwear or the game?", He paused for 5 seconds and we all laughed at him, and GiGi said "see!?"

One thing i also have to note with GiGi is that she HATES teeny boppers, when they start coming into netstation she sits in a chair by the door with the baseball bat and make sure none of them come in and points at the sign everytime a group tries to come in and blocks the way. And shes not nice about it either :p
On friday night there was a huge crowd of them waiting to get into the youth center and while me, Monk, and Loopy walked around them, GiGi just shoved anyone in her way off to the side ahahahaha it was great, Mv was walking behind her laughing his ass off, and on the way back she did teh same with a shopping trolley :p

So thats them, MV and GiGi, 2 people who i would like to call friend, good people. On friday night they got fucked over as GiGi had her car stolen :( She started crying when she found out her car was gone and a whole bunch of shit happened. Ahhhh it made me and a bunch of the other guys fuckin angry, goddamn fuckers, i hope their balls drop off from gangrene.

Now Monk, monks another guy i know pretty well, he plays games with us and is pretty good, better then me at some of them, and works at NetStation just like MV. He is slightly taller then me, slim build and fit, brown hair that could only be called "rakish" i guess, and everytime i see him he has dark circles under his eyes like he hasnt slept in ages but i think thats just how he looks. He's a very quiet person and soft spoken, but gets a bit more vocal when drinking, but i have NEVER heard him shout, ever. Hes raised his voice to be heard over crowd noise, but nothing which i could call shouting. So when i say quiet i dont mean he doesnt talk, i mean hes just low volume, unlike Geeta :p
He drives a holden thing, and yeah, hes not really a geek, he just likes to play games but likes to go out drinking with Kre8or and the guys as well.

So, overall, i think that coming here has been a very good thing for me, its made me more grown and self reliant, and independant. I have no idea whats going to happen in the future, but i know some things of myself:

Im a geek, i like being a geek, the people i associate with are generally awesome people, and they make me feel happy, and i get a warm glow everytime i realise that there are people like that in world.
I also know that having a girlfriend is very important to me and my sense of being, and that though its been a tough year, being in a relationship has been very fulfilling, a bit frustrating sometimes but fulfilling all the same :D
I miss my old friends and the way things used to be, and the fact that i had to take no real responsibility for alot of things that i now do, and how we used to hang out and how we were so innocent.
A part of growing up i guess, still makes one sad to realise what one has lost i think, but there are many things to see yet, alot more, and sometimes i can't wait, i just can't wait, until i see them all.

I always update when im contemplating, i dont update about mundane facts of life, i only update on the thoughts ive been thinking.

I think i want to start a novel. I think that some things can't be solved by persistence, realisation or logic. I think that i really care about some things more then they care to listen to, acknowledge, or just plain accept.

And i think i am lazy, and that it is my greatest vice.

In a small gesture to the mundane: Uni has been easier this semester, im worried about exams, im broke, i wish i was rich, and i really need to finish my java assessment.

Im done now, i hope all of you in this land of LJ are enjoying yourselves, and that life is treating you kindly.

Tristan, aka The Jester, aka Kulkan
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