First of all, hello and sorry to be so late. I am your Man from Uncle driver for this month but due to a witty combination of moving house and technological incompetence it's taken me a while to get up and running.
My recs are going to be gen as well as slash and will tend to be Ilya centric - this is my revenge on the writers of the Green Opal Affair.
Title: For Auld Aquaintance
Pairing: Dom/Morpheus
Author on LJ: Used to be
untitled06, is now unknown.
Author Website:
bluegreengray is the author's fandom archive.
Sigil is a small archive for LotRiPS/Sandman fic.
Why this must be read:
Man. I love Neil Gaiman, I love LotRiPS. I therefore really, *really* love this fic. I don't have words for how layered and deep it is, despite its short length. The author uses Morpheus' first visit to a 16-year-old Dom to show the reader something about Dom and, in so doing, ends up telling us a lot about Morpheus himself.
"But understand, I will not be denied this." There was another pause and fingertips brushed lightly against the ridge of Dominic's brow. When Marlene spoke again, it was not even a ghost of her voice that passed from her lips, but that of a man: deep and ageless and endless in its sadness. "You have haunted me for too long already."