Thursday night camwhor'ing

Jul 14, 2006 07:52

Yesterday was fun, although it was another Jun-Jun moment for me but at the end of the day I did have much fun. Jazz my brotherette sister came at around mid-afternoon to give me a visit. She usually visits me whenever she can and yesterday was one of those days. As always we talk about the latest happenings around town, or maybe just dorm stuff. Hahaha Of course she stays over and we have our usual dose of intoxication, wab advices & her fave Naruto marathon to go with it. Jazz too is on a diet so she settled for San Mig Light from her usual Red Horse "yucky my past favorite" beer and some evil Carbs for snacks. Haha Yes i've been carbo loading this past nights to gain me some more weight. A lot of people are not only noticing my weight loss but apparently they all say i've lost too much and wished I gain some of it back coz I look 'um .. sickly and fragile and probably dying... Nah!... i think.... basta something not good that I don't like so they don't tell me. UGH! I hate it when i must eat to look good. Hahaha Kiddin'

---->>> sidetrack galore......
From my usual Friday only routine of drinking with ex-imaginary boyfriend Casper. I've actually started drinking almost regularly or whenever I feel like it which is almost every other day to everynight. That is a minimum of 5 bottles of san mig light and no dinner but only my fave brand of Mixed Nuts. SAQS coz  i gained weight pretty fast but the weight didn't seem to go where it should be going and that is in my shoulders, arms and fabulous buttocks Hahaha. I might actually end up gaining back my original weight but not my original look. For some reason I have the body type where I only get bigger in the abdomen, chest and thighs, all other extremitis remains the same. Imagine me weighing 200lbs or something and still have a 34" arm ridge... EKKKK! I'd probably look like a guy who've had arm lipo and forgot about everything else thats humongus.... and have a BUTETE look forever *frowns* it's soooo what my dad looks like *cries* WHAAAAA! it's either I make them bigger by working out again "as I promised Perry mah b**y?  I would" or I keep on dei'yet-ing until I get a much more proportioned body... Hmmn I think I choose door number 3, the "I don't know, bahala na si Batman" door.

Moving on.....
Jazz & I started drinking at around 11:00pm and we only got ourselves 5 bottles of booze each and a couple of snacks. Little did we know that we'll be running back to MiniStop to restack our booze reserves and that is before midnight and another run a few hours later. Honestly Jazz & I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I'm pretty sure thats one trait we both got from Daddeo dear... Hahaha We drink beer like water and we were two super thristy Fabulous camels "without the humps". Before the night ended, actually before sunshine came in to ruin the party we had a guest. It was Worf, Jazz actually didn't know she was coming because Worf and I secretly planned of surprising Jazz with her visit. All were fine after that, Jazz had a huge smile though she did try to hide it, but I saw it in her... a grin as wide as her face. Hahaha Here are some pictures from last night's  CAMWHORE party...

I actually didn't wanna try this link this time but the Embedded code
from "" "<<--- clicky to see'y my site'y <<-- "
won't work on LJ for 'security reasons' something....

anyways here are the pix.... ;)











till out next intoxifying and camwhorifying party.....

Yes i'm still an addict but only to Alcohol and narcotics! Hahaha  --->>   UpYoursKantis!!!

PS. I can't wait for this sunday's  anniversary / intoxication / whore'ing / orgy party. Hahaha of course i'm kidding bitches. Hmmnn I wonder what i'm going to wear and I hope it's something comfy coz I'd hate to bring an unbrella or a jacket. Jun-jun must cooperate or I call tito Alfie if Sunshine can't dry his ass up before sunday. Hahah AS IF! btw, the thing I promise Perry & Rox about that "nakey" thing? not gonna happen.... I think.... unless you  gives moi lot'sa Moolah first.... hahaha ;P


thursday, rox, camwhore, 10@2, beer

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