Break turned out to be busier than I thought it would be (as always) and things are finally slowing down (riiight...).
I did finish the next part of my Wicked fanfic (GO ME!), albeit it's on the short side.
I went to DCA on Tuesday and it wasn't super crowded but I'm sure Dland sure was. It was fun chillin' with my cousins and aunt and uncle. I got into a discussion about teen pregnancy and abortion vs. carrying the baby to full-term w/ my aunt. It wasn't awkward, cuz my aunt just one of those people who is really easy tyo talk to, even the heavy stuff, ya know?
A couple of my friends came over on Wed afternoon and we Wii-ed it up. It was pretty hilarious actually since my on friend had never played "MarioKart" on the Wii before. She kept running into walls. :D Then, later that night I went to my other friend's house for dinner and saw her gorgeous house. It's not super big or anything, but it has clean lines, is open, super modern w/ all this art and what not on the walls. Also, I found out her bedroom is COMPLETELY SEPARATE from the main house. I jokingly said that I knew where to crash if I ever got kicked out or forgot my house keys. To which she responded, "My door is never locked. Don't wake me up. Just crawl in bed with me." heehee. Noted. Oh, the shenanigans we could get into. After dinner we went to see "Changeling" with a couple other friends that just got back from El Salvador. Seriously, not a movie that makes all warm-and-fuzzy on the inside.
On Turkey Day I went with my family to the LA Auto Show and then to the original "Tommy's" (a fast-becoming tradition) and then ate dinner at my aunt's house. 'Nuff said.
Friday, I saw "Twilight" a second time. Ok, so my only excuse is that I promised one of my friends I would see it with her. Anyways, I got to see the lovely Ashley Greene again. *points to icon* She is officially my newest celeb girlcrush. The baseball scene and "Oh, you do smell good!" scenes get me every time! (er... which was technically only twice, but still!) Also, totally sympathized with Rosalie this time around.