... Commercial Break ...

Aug 01, 2005 19:04

As subjected, this is truly a "commercial break"

This summer has been super hectic!

I ran across

Let the fun begin... [27 Apr 2004|08:47pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | "Disappear" ~ Hoobastank ]

I have eight days left in Kentucky.

It feels like a vacation.
Good byes, so longs, see ya next year.
It hurts me to leave all of this.

I know I know, I have a great life back home, but it's just not the same.
Here the atmosphere, people, smells, weather, everything is different!

I got my picture back of Beth and I from Virginia Beach, it made me cry.
I miss her terribly.
I am trying to make friends out here, I really am.
There is still that piece of me that won't let go.
And I won't ever let it, I can't!

I keep telling myself that I am happy out here.
I keep thinking maybe tomorrow will be different.
I keep trying to fit all the pieces together, yet I can't.
I do, sometimes, regret coming out here.
Only because of the cultural shock that awaited my arrival.
I have done my best, thus far, to "adapt."
I am not going to give up.
I just need a Beth out here.
I need that comfort zone I have back at home.
Ii will take some time before such a zone can manifest itself in this new fandangled world we call "college life."

I know that it is time to leave and move back home.
There were so many memories made within this past year.
Friendships created and based solely on the "new me."

I need to be myself.
A "me" that no one out here can relate to.
I guess he/she can try, but I doubt you find it worth the time and energy.

I was quite content with the "old me."
Although I do not think many others were.
I made certain lives a living hell.
Do I owe you an apology?
Was it not just a phase?
Maybe just maturing?
Did it work?

Whoa kinda seems as if I have a multi personality disorder.
Those who know me, know that I don't.
I am just me!

Eight more days....

and it got me thinking ...

I am truly going to miss every single Kentuckian, Ohioan, Indianaian, Georgian, Pennsylvanian, Marylander, Louisiannaian, New Yorker, and every other person I have met in my duration of inhabiting Kentucky.

I have made the choice to continue/complete my four semesters of undergraduate school at the University of Delaware (ugh, I hate it but it will suit me for now and ultimately help me to receive my doctorate more effeciently) ... YAY for that!

The time spent in Kentucky certainly shaped me, but I was damned to let it change me from the person who I truly am. I do not believe that I was 100% accepted by people, and unfotunately that was a loss for those people. I am opinionated and blatantly rude (when I have/want to be). I tend to be somewhat selfish and yet I'm not sure how I can fix that. There is a lot about me that the people that did choose to accept me don't even know. The time spent away from my norm certainly helped me to see myself differently ... and that's what will help to change me (hopefully).

Enough about that ... sometimes I get too carried away.

So, yeah I will be attending UD in the fall (after spending too much time and energy declining my admission to EKU and Towson and tying up all those loose ends). Transferring is such a BITCH! But I know this decision will pay off when I find that I have minimal debt and a great education! Not to mention hella great memories to cherish until the day I die!!

Which brings me to the main point in this entry ....

Friends may come and go and come and go again.
And the same can be said for acquaintances.
But as in my case (flesh and blood ... being my triplet sisters) we have been there for eachother since day one (even before day one) and will continue to. As much as we trash talk eachother and myself treating them like shit it's hard to predict that one day we will be "bestest friends" but who's to say that we aren't already (just in our own little quirky ways, you know?) Granted aside from the yelling and screaming I can't imagine anyone thinking that we could possibly love one another (but we've never really been the affectionate type). I'm not sure where I'm going with this ... but I do love my sisters and would do absolutely anything for them even if that means selling my fancy clothes and materialistic aspects of my "wonderful-perfect-blah" life.

With that said I'll be back to edit this (no doubt)

Until then I am stuffing my face with some food!
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