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Jul 21, 2016 14:27

Both kids are asleep. At the same time!!! That happens so rarely that I don't know what to do with myself. It's too warm to go outside. Though I have to admit that it's not as warm as the days before, 7C less actually. But still, I don't like sitting in the sun.
Matthijs likes being outside, he's a brown bear now. Haha.

The butterfly bushes got their first blooms. Yesterday, we saw the first butterfly in it. One butterfly even landed on me (I wore a pink top yesterday.) Can't wait to see more butterflies. On the first weekend of August, it's butterfly-count-day. I think, I'm going to do it again. It's fun to sit down for 15 minutes and tell all the butterflies in our backyard.

4 days until our first vacation. Yay.

baby boy, henk, random blah, pics, weather, baby girl

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