(no subject)

Mar 22, 2013 15:19

After I had a good day on Monday, Tuesday was horror again. That one class is killing me. There are like 5 students that are ruining everything for anyone else.
Wednesday, I all day in bed/ on the couch, because I had a headache that didn't want to go away. At 6pm, I nearly felt normal again. That day sucked.
Thursday was mostly okay, but I had that class again. I did oral exams with some students, while the others were supposed to do some exercise on the computer. But two students wouldn't do that, so I wanted them out of my class, but they wouldn't leave. I went to the team leaders, but no one was there, so I asked our concierge to get them out. One of the students still wouldn't leave. Even his classmates told him to leave. Eventually, he went away, and the teamleader came. This boy's in big trouble now. He already was suspended last week, and today again.
The other boy was pretty much scared off by the team leader, you could see it in his face.
The other troublemaker from that class has to behave also, because otherwise, his parent will send him to a boarding school.
That's daily life in school.

Next Friday, there's a study day for all teachers. But lucky me, I got out of it. I don't want to spent my day off at school, where I won't learn something new anyway. It's about activating didactics and I'm one of the two teachers who are actually doing that in their lessons.


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