I rant

Jul 09, 2007 02:55

I just read a blog of a friend, she is a cute kid.
She is now in Secondary 4 and going to be sweet 16.

She types like a retard (for a person who studies English as her first language)

I know people from Europe, Japan and China, who can write better then her.
They can spell by sound better than her.

She types my as maii, you as euu and everything else in weird spells, all the time on her blog. Don’t even let me start on the grammar.

My eyes feels crossed after reading half her entry and I gave up.

I think I will never click into her blog again, it’s not light reading.
I actually feel slightly dumber reading it.

I don’t think I want to go to someone blog as well, for sometime. I’m going to have to wait for the half nude photos of girls post to be replaced with other posts. It’s like so sexualized! I know he is way classier than that. It just looks so desperate and played up for mates to see. “I’ve got good taste in woman. I’m just single because I have high standards. I flirt with girls and I can pick up girls.” In my studies, guys who are confused about their sexuality do that. I, for one, do not care who is straight, gay or even bi. I would vote for same sex marriages. It’s just for a straight guy to do that is just a bit… trying.


I’m in a crappy mood, because I found out a person I know broke up with her fiancée some time ago. He did a shitty thing, he really did a super shitty thing. He is not worth marrying, trusting others before his own fiancée.

rant, friends

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