May 10, 2011 10:30
So this one started out with me in that sexy cop lady uniform (from the last TF dream) at a car show/convention. I'm not sure what it was. There were cars all over and booths selling things and LOTS of people. Some in costume, some not. The only car I can remember looking at was a long dull silver colored hearse and a bright shiny mercedes benz. I remember the hearse had flower arrangements set up around it and it was only when I commented to my friend that I realized my friend was with me.
My friend was Frankie. Yes, Monster High's Frankie. She was wearing her plaidish debut Frankie dress.
We left the room with the two cars and stopped at one of the booths. By then, the convention was closing and everyone was leaving and things were on sale. Through the large glass windows, the sky was that bright orangey yellow golden color. Very pretty! But anyways, we stopped at this booth and looked at, of all things, Breyer Stablemates horses. I used to collect em. So we stood there looking at them.
Meanwhile, while I was doing this, inside I was panicking. I had to get home. And the buses for back from the convention had already left. And I knew Frankie and her mom would be leaving soon, but I didn't know if they were going to give me a ride. Typical me behavior, I was also too afraid and shy to ask for a ride. So I was preoccupied with thinking on how I was to get home.
The man at the booth said he was closed and we had to leave. Security guards were beginning to come into the building and I panicked, for reasons yet unknown to me. Frankie and I ran out into a stairwell and down the steps. (I would also like to take this moment on how I can run and run DOWN STAIRS in heels! Oh glorious dream world, how you make me lol! I don't even wear heels when I'm awake, much less run in em!) At the bottom of the stairwell, I huddled under the steps. There was a ground level window, like a basement window, to the front and right side, with the stairs to the left and a door in front of the stairs which led outside.
Frankie... was a slow runner. She came down the stairs and was wearing.... a black silk slip. I remember I felt absolutely kind of anguished. "Frankie where are your clothes?!" the response was "Sometimes when I get nervous, I take my clothes off." But she went back and got her clothes and put them on.
As she was putting her clothes on, I was looking out the window. Sun was still setting, the sky was now more of a dark fireball orange color with the edges of the sky looking blue black of twilight. The window directly in front of me gave me a perfect view of straight down a long street. The window to the left was a street too. As I was looking out the window, I notied a car. And I began to panic. As the car came closer, I could tell it was a shiny black, strange red pinstripe like details that almost glowed. I was terrified. I grabbed Frankie, who by then had noticed it too, and we kind of grabbed each other and huddled close to the wall under the window where it hopefully couldn't see us.The car came up to the window and as it sat there, another car pulled up to the other window and I could see someone get out. A man in black pants and heavy black boots. Then after a few terrified moments, they both left.
Frankie and I left the building, which upon exiting I learned was an old timey like police station. Made of brick, had the word Police carved in stone above the double doors at the top of a small set of stairs. Round ball sconces were on each side. Frankie's mom picked her up and much to my dismay, they did NOT offer me a ride. They left and I began to walk. Only, the black and red car pulled up beside me. And a silver colored car squealed tires around the corner.
Terrified, I jumped into the backseat of the black and red car and we zoomed off. Of course, there was no driver. And looking out the back window, I could see no driver for the silver car. Both of em were Transformers. In my dream, I knew one of them was Barricade. I'm assuming the black and red one.
So a crazy epic car chase ensued, with me being piss-ass scared in my hooker looking police uniform. For those of you who didn't read about my last TF dream, the outfit's a tiny black skirt, black stockings and garters, black heels, white button up shirt that was only about half buttoned up, and a badge pinned to the right shoulder of the shirt/blouse. My hair was pinned up and I had a snazzy hat, but with the bouncing around in the car chase, my hat had fallen off and my hair was falling out from the pinned up 'do.
Now here's where things get ever weirder. In my dream, I knew that the black and red car was Barricade and I knew.... something else. And I'm gonna tell it bluntly, as this train of thought flashed, word for word, in my dream. "I know one of the cars wants to fuck me. And the other wants to kill me. But which one wants what!? ...the one that wants to kill me probably wants to kill me while fucking me. That would be my luck." (brb, facepalming forever)
And then I woke up because some assclown texted me. I really wish I could of found out who the second car was. lol, that was some weird dream though! I know there was more stuff in the beginning, but I don't remember it well. I know we walked around the convention but what we actually did, I have no clue.