So I had this dream that wank Mary, Jo, Tyger and I were swimming in the pool. Mrs Betty's pool to be precise. Well for some ungodly reason bill was there and I was sitting beside him in some pool chairs. Well his cell phone rang and he answered it and talked to this lady. Well I figured out from the conversation that he had been putting job applications in for me! So I went and got in the pool and told everyone. After I told everyone we got out of the pool and went to my house. Only... it wasn't my house... it was a friggin castle! With a circus tent nearby! <3
Once inside, Tyger told me about someone trying to kill her! o.o! Well just no. This was unaccetable! So I jumped on an elephant and started running across this huge wheat field to gather forces to save my friend <3 From out of nowhere Fiona in ogre form started running by the elephant with me. Then suddenly here comes Mokuba on a little fat grey pony! Then the Weasely twins from HP riding broomsticks, and Ron and Hakkai, riding in Hakkai's jeep!!! As soon as I woke up I grabbed a pen and paper and made a list of everyone so I wouldn't forget ^^ Let's see, there was also Tidus, Squall and Cid! lol Tidus and Squall were riding on a motorcycle and Tidus gave me a thumbs up!
I decided we had enough forces by now to kill this person and started to head back. Only I was going the wrong way x.x The castle I went to had Shrek and Donkey at the top of it, waving their hands in a shoo, go away motion at me. And Timon and Pumbaa were at the bottom yelling at us to turn around. So we turned and along the way back I looked to my right and there was like... EVERYONE from digimon! So I yelled for Renamon, Sora, and Mimi to come with us. They somehow got over to us and joined the Save-Tyger club. Well it hit me then! I could gather my people to help! So I called over Matt and Ken and we went back to my castle/house.
At my castle/house I got off my elephant and stood there with Tyger and her army of weirdos. We knew the guy that was trying to kill her was there someplace but we didn't know where. So we split up and started looking. Behind this garage I found that blue blob named Blu or however you spell it from Fosters Imaginary Home for.... I forget the name of the show. Well I saw it and was like o.O! I took a step towards it and it melted!!!! And I knew it was the thing trying to get Tyger! So I screamed like the dickens and everyone came running.
Well everyone was attacking this thing/person and no matter what we did, it just wouldn't die! So I decided to start helping. I got Ken and Matt to attack it and still nothing! Well the thing started coming towards me and I screamed for Sephiroth. (yeah right, like he would help me) Well instead of Sephiroth coming to help me, I like... turned into Sephiroth. I was suddenly wearing a long black coat and I had the masamune. I jumped off the ground and swung the sword at him and he broke it!!!!! Then he turned into Kaiba-boy!!! Well I took the broke part of the masamune and threw myself at him and STABBED HIM IN THE HEAD!!!
It was gross. All meaty and bloody and such. Well after he died, he vanished. But I was still in Sephiroths coat, covered in blood. Heather was inside a circus tent with all her army peoples. I walked in and started singing a song about everyone in the circus o.O? After the song, the real Sephiroth came over and behind him were Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz and Sephiroth smacked me on the back of the head! X( He was angry cause I broke the masamune and Loz started crying and Yazoo was coming towards me with a crazy look and I started to get really scared and that's when I woke up.
man, I wonder wtf that dream ment?!