Title: Untitled
Fandom: Alien, Predator and...Pokemon
Character(s): Original characters in the above settings - Trainer Jade and three Yautja/Predators (Viking, Scavenger and Highlander)
Rating/Warnings: Some violence towards Pokemon. Real violence.
Disclaimer: The above franchises are not mine and none of this is meant for profit. The characters within this story are mine. Etc. Etc.
Summary: Yes, you read the listed fandoms correctly. I've had ideas for an Alien vs. Predator vs. Pokemon crossover, being the giant nerd I am. I intend for it to be awesome. Jade is one of the Pokemon trainers I created for this, but she's not particularly important here. The Yautja introduce themselves.
Oh, and for those unfamiliar with the Yautja and their slang, they refer to humans as Soft Meat and Aliens/Xenomorphs as Hard Meat. Yum yum.
Charizard gave a fiery and triumphant roar as its opponent tumbled to the ground. Though the victory was paid with effort and blood, that made it all the sweeter.
“Great job, Charizard!” Jade called, coming to stand by her Pokemon with a bright smile.
As the trainer that challenged Jade handed over some money, three beings observed from the cover of the bushes and their cloaking technology. They watched the challenger leave, then Jade spraying her Charizard with a potion before taking her exit with all her Pokemon in tow and her wallet a little thicker.
They only spoke when she left, their language guttural and clicking. Although they had names, no human or Pokemon would be able to pronounce them. The closest anyone could come would be nicknames fitting of the beings’ ferocity.
Scavenger spoke first. “These Soft Meats are the worst I’ve seen. They can’t even fight their own fights. There would be no honour in killing any of them.”
“Then we will not bother with them unless we find a worthy one,” remarked Viking. “The beasts are the ones who fight, so we will fight them.”
“We should’ve taken the flaming one - the victor from that fight. It proved itself in battle! The Soft Meat with it would’ve been easy to dispose of.”
Highlander was last to add to the conversation, as usual. “We are observing before we start taking trophies. This Soft Meat colony is new to us, and while it has potential - “
“What is left to observe? The Soft Meats are weak, the beasts they train are strong!” Scavenger leaned in closer to Highlander, though the latter was impossible to intimidate. Tallest of the three, Highlander simply remained crouching and looking down at the warped outline of his clan mate.
“Hold your tone, young blood,” Viking interjected. “Remember your place amongst us, and take heed of Highlander’s words.”
Scavenger reluctantly backed away with an annoyed trill.
Viking continued. “Even if things are as simple as you say, it is possible that Hard Meat have made contact with this world as well. We will observe a little longer to see if other signs emerge.”
“And we can’t take trophies in the meantime? At all?”
Just as Scavenger asked that question, a curious hiss sounded behind the hunters. A creature stood there, presumably a breed of the battling beasts they’d seen in the company of the Soft Meats. It stood on its hind legs, plump and covered with tan fur. Angular eyes stared at the ripples in the air their camouflage made, and a wide nose set above two sets of large teeth sniffed the air.
“Raticate?” the creature inquired.
“Well,” began Viking. “One or two couldn’t hurt.”
Scavenger responded with an enthusiastic purr as he turned off his cloaking and stood. The Raticate, now sure that there really were intruders in its territory, snarled and lowered itself to all fours. With speed that surprised all three hunters, it sprang forward and sank its teeth into Scavenger’s leg. He roared and slammed his fist into its head. When it came detached, he stepped on it before it could get away.
“Raaaticate!” it cried as it struggled, not even noticing Scavenger’s wrist blades sliding into view.
One stab and a splash of red later, and its struggling ceased.
“I am the first of my people to take one of you as a trophy,” said the Yautja as life faded from the Pokemon’s eyes. “Consider it an honour.”