Tis the end of one of the best weekends of my life

Jul 04, 2005 00:25

Hello to all, this may possibly be the longest entry i have ever written concidering it acctaully was the best wekkend of my life.

it all started with getting to miles's lake. We took MC's fathers van there and i got to meet Miles's girlfriend MC (merie Clair), she was really nice to talk to. During the trip i was hyper which was strange for me cuzz at the time it was 9 am and im not a morning person, but this time i acctaully did stay awake. After we got there it took us a little while to get set up but after we did we went to the lake i like to call Alkaline lake! (its not acctually called alkaline lake but there was lots of alkaline in it so thats what i decided to name it) shortly after getting to the lake miles shows me how to wake board via a singular demonstration... it was awsome! freaking awsome! to tell you guys the truth there are two people in which i show great admaration to... one of them is my sister meggan and the other one is miles, Why? because the both have the ability to do anything they set there mind to. I wish i had that ability... but anyway, after his demonstration it was time to me to take a crack at it, heh, literaly... i tryed to get up on the wake board a total of 15 times (Justin and MC where counting), i just couldent do it, its not like i have done any board sports before so i didnt expect to get it on the first try but i didnt end up makeing it at all, lol, guess thats why i admire miles so much... cuzz it gave me such a hard time. So on my last try (15th) i held on real tight and almost stood up the three things happend, the rope was jerked out of my hand real hard, then as it ripped out of my hands all the muscle groups in the lower part of my arms hyper extended or something and i heard a large rip followed by lots of pain, not only that but upon almost acctually getting up on the wakeboard a muscle in my left calf slid under anouther muscle and went into spasm. (i dont know if anyone eles has those but i do and they hurt like a bitch) So after experancing an extream amount of pain i was flailing around like a fish, if i didnt have that life jacket on i would have been drowning. After that wake boarding fun i wanted to succeed at it sometime that weekend but i knew i pulled something and that i wouldent end up being to smart.... but my good friend Cecelia offered to masage my arms if i promised her i would elaborate for her about my preveus posts of this mystereus "person" i was talking about. i thought it was a fair trade. so i did.

Later that night we had a bit of a fire and watched some fireworks on the beach for canada day along with enjoying some ice cream. and after that happend i felt excrutiatingly alone. Miles was cuddling with MC, jeremy was doing a bit-o-hankey pankey with Cecelia and justin wouldent quit farting these nasty hourse shit smelling grossness, i truely felt alone.... no one to cuddle with and make me feel warm, awww sux but no crying about it anyways right? i did let out a blood curdling scream in the middle of the night and throw a Shuriken at justing for waking me up with his grotesqueness.

Saterday-all and all it was a good day, but i knew miles had something on his mind and i couldent figure it out or get it out of him. Me and MC had a really long bonding talk because miles asked us to make sure the fire doesent go out while he goes to the lake. we talked about alot, randomness mostly, but it was good, MC is a nice girl. While we were having this converation jeremy and Cecelia where is the trailor doing a bit-o-foreplay and the kreepy thing is that justin was watching the whole time.... i dunno why but something kreeps me out about that. then they all came into the cabin and me and Cecelia switched jewelry, it was strange not much of stuff fit me bt what did wont come off now so she just let me keep it.

At night me and Cecelia had an extreamly long talk as well about my recent emo-kid entrys and such, and in the process we make up a brilliant word.... kreetard, it means kreepy retard. We couldent stop laughing when we made up this word and i knew it would be used for eternity. After this talk we went back to the fire and made smores! then after that MC gave me a stick that she was widdleing at all day and i set both the ends on fire and swung it around like a baton to show off my ninja skills, it looked so cool with the glowing embers and all.... i did end up burning myself but thats ok i dont mind its jsut something to remember the trip by. tee hee as well as the trowing daggers miles gave me randomly, they look so cool, im gonna practice with them later when my arms feel better. Instead of going to sleep that night we neglected speep for awile to play a bit of crazy 8's, i won all of the 4 games we played. MC blamed me winning on my pentagram wristband and said it had magic going through it, heh, guess she was right...

Sunday- we woke up to an awsome breakfast cooked by miled and Cecelia and after that we went to the lake again and i did some tanning with MC, along with some wrestling around with jeremy justin and miles. and i got to see that amazing lake again. After needing to rush to get back to camp because i had to go to work Cecelia and jeremy had water balloons perpared and asked me to join them in the barraging of miles and justin! it was awsome, we also made one out of a condom cuzz we ran out of balloons, it was too hard to through though... then i had to go home in miles's truck, Cecelia slept on my lap and i felt sorta wierd, i guess the way to expaine it is awkwardly comfterble to have someone sleeping on me, on top of that Cecelia took so many pictures of me and everything! im gonna eventually post them in this extry for you to take a look at....

my last wish is that this camping trip will be reinacted once again at some point, it was so, so, so, much fun. Thx Miles! it was so great.
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