
Feb 16, 2006 00:24

You know that feeling when you say you're going to do something and you follow through and do it?

Feels pretty good, huh?

Do you also, then, know that feeling of when you say you're going to do something and you don't follow through and do it?

Yeah, feels pretty bad, huh?

Accountability; a trait in people that is, unfortunately, sorely lacking. Why do people tell you they're going to do something and not do it? There are some cases in which the reason is justified. There is a good enough explanation as to why something promised has not been done, but it still doesn't change the fact that it hasn't been done.

I'm not trying to be callous, but something is either done or it's not; there is no excuse for unaccountability. If something CAN get in the way, it CAN get in the way again. It makes priorities clear, and makes you really understand just how much something means to someone, right? The lack of accountability in most people is disturbing, and it's a really disturbing thing to notice among others. In fact; damn near frightening.

Look at people nowadays. People have degressed into some form of a lower life-form that lacks accountability, authenticity, honesty. They lack morals, ethics, and real compassion for one another. People can barely even hold a real conversation anymore. No one walks down the street saying "G'day" to anyone anymore like they did a century ago. If you do it now, people think you're weird. Like FRIENDLINESS IS AN ABSURD IDEA!

The art of conversation in America is DYING. And with it goes a degree of humanity. A lack of care for your fellow man. A bum may be a bum because he's chosen to be (because everyone is who they are because THEY have made the choice to be that) but that doesn't mean they're less of a person. Have you ever stood near/around a person and just not spoken to them? Why not? Fear of making a bad impression? YOu never have to see them again if you choose not to. But what if that person has the potential to develop into your BEST FRIEND? How do you know? What if it's the CEO of a Fortune 500 company that ends up being so impressed by your people skills that he offers you a job? Unlikely, but WHAT IF? And regardless, why not just converse with someone for the fun of it.

At the point I'm at now, I think it's a lot more fun to converse--REALLY CONVERSE--with someone than to sit in front of a TV watching a movie. Or playing a video game. A person is infinitely more interesting than any television show can be. When you become genuinely interested in people, whether you're broke or poor, you enrich your life, and everyone you connect to--directly and through a ripple effect. Would you have known that Joe was a professional golfer and his son was a member of one of your favorite bands without talking to him? Nope.

And some of you will say "Well, who cares?" WHO CARES? Everyone should. What is wrong with being interested in people just to be interested? People are fascinating. They all have a different story to tell, and if you give them the chance, they'll tell it! I've found out AMAZING things about people who are both close to me, and who are strangers. How simple is it to find these things out? You merely have to ASK.

Patch Adams is a phenomenal movie, not just because Hunter Adams is one of the most amazing men to ever live, but because it sends a very powerful message. "Go out and talk to people! Talk to strangers; talk to wrong numbers; talk to everyone! Regain your humanity! Don't let society and the roadblocks in life bring you down; to desensitize you to the wonderful, beautiful, and AMAZING world around you!" I want to cast that in iron, and put it up on my wall. That is OUTSTANDING!

The world is amazing; and the people are part of that world. People are amazing; the human being is the most spectacular creature on this Earth. And yet, some people go through every day of their life, thinking of nothing and no one but themselves. "How can it benefit ME?"


GET OUT OF YOUR OWN DAMN HEAD! Stop being introspective for once in your own life. Stop worrying about what's troubling you; start worrying about what's troubling those around you! When your friends tell you something exciting and positive, rejoice with them, don't wonder "I wish that were happening to me." You are not being a true friend if you do this! Friends want the best for you; they want you to be happy, successful, and to lead joyful lives, EVEN IF THEY THEMSELVES ARE NOT. Why? Because their motivations are not so selfish!

Realize that your problems; what consumes you, are no more important than the problems consuming your friends. The only difference? They're your problems, and theirs are theirs! Start realizing your biggest problem is equated in personal magnitude to your friend's problem! You'll start leading a much greater, more enlightened life if you can JUST REALIZE that everyone around you is just as important as you are. You are not the single most important creature on this planet.

And if you've ever felt overwhelmed by doing what is right; by doing what you know is the correct thing to do, then remember this easy joke:

"How do you eat an elephant?"
"One bite at a time!"

Don't let the big picture overwhelm you, but keep it in mind. Work towards it, but take every task one step at a time, and don't stop until the big picture is fulfilled.

I plan to be retired on equitable income by the time I'm 23-24, but at that point, I'll still be making a momentous impact on the world around never stops. That'll be the mentorship phase for me.

Christopher Columbus describes life in three stages:

First stage: Education; the learning stage.
Second stage: The input stage; the stage when you work.
Third stage: The Ambassadorship stage; when you teach and bless others.

I don't know about you, but helping others to succeed, achieve, realize their dreams, and to get the most out of their lives is the most amazing of all three stages, and I want to get to that stage as FAST as I can. The ability to teach others; to positively impact those that want to listen...MY GOD! How can anyone ever seek to turn down that?

But do your regular jobs offer this? Look at your parents? Do they teach ANYONE willing to listen? DO you parents even have many friends left? Have they kept in contact with their best friends? Friends from their childhood? Most of you can't say yes. I know I can't My mom has a number of friends to count on one hand. My God! I am so thrilled and satisfied with the good friends I have now. I want to grow old with them! I want to walk up to Sarah Bowman's child when they're 10, and say "You know, I knew you when you were a baby. You were a cute little kid."

How thrilling is that idea? Does that touch you; fire you up? To grow old with the friends you have now and the ones you're going to make in the future? Honestly? It sure fires me up! It fires me up because I have a vehicle to fulfill all my dreams.

No one really wants to be a blue-collar worker for the rest of their lives, but why would you want to be a white-collar worker? Is that much better? Instead you sit in a cubicle for 40, 50, 60 hours a week, decorating it with pictures to make it feel like it's NOT a cubicle, never see your family for more than an hour a day, never truly be there when your children grow up, and work (HOPEFULLY) only until you're 65 so you can retire in your golden years.

Why not build equity and retire at 25?!? Doesn't that sound like more fun? Pursue what you TRULY WANT to pursue in your free time. Continue contributing to society if you so choose. You have the time, money, and ability at that point to focus your time on whatever you damn well please.

Go and regain your humanity...for all the rest of us. Please.
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