
Dec 06, 2007 23:12

Wooo. Freight day today = sore me. I could go into a big work rant, but I don't feel like it. :\ You can quit cheering now.

I stayed WoW-free today, and instead went through a marathon of Le Chevalier D'Eon with Tony, since he needs to catch up before the ZOMG LAST VOLUME COMES OUT DECEMBER 18TH! We'll probably do Volume 4 and 5 tomorrow night. :) And speaking of this incredible anime (seriously, check it the fuck out), I've decided upon my cosplay for next year's A-Kon. I'll be doing D'Eon when he is first possessed by Lia. The only thing I think I'll have trouble with is making the costume, and then having to destroy part of it. ;___; D'Eon gets a nasty wound in that fight, and I'll need to emulate that. Fake blood ftw. It shouldn't be a terribly hard costume overall. It's no Princess Zelda, but I think it'll be cool. XD I've even got Tony pumped into it and he's thinking about doing Durand. (And I'll be getting a sewing machine for Christmas. Tony's mom ftw.)

I also ordered up some wigs from aishiteru on DoA and she's sending me a free wig! X3 This little one's going to be rotten, I can tell. If I can ever find her clothes. Um. Because. Most Kelly clothes suck? Yes.

I've been overall cheerful today, though. It's very rare that I feel that way nowadays. :)

anime, bjd

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