Ah, Pukipuki.

Nov 09, 2007 15:08

I have gone gaga over the PukiPuki line from Fairyland (except Sugar.... she creeps me out), and I think we're going to try for getting a Pipi. :3

Anyway, in WoW news, my Pally hit 32 today. I've been doing more instances, and thus, have been actually levelling! Questing is starting to drag, because people your level so rarely help you out unless they have an Epic'd 70 lying around. They find the challenge too tough and move on. I'm so bullheaded, I HAVE TO GET RID OF THIS QUEST OUT OF MY QUEUE, PLZ. >_< I was SO DAMN PROUD of myself this morning. I TB'ed a quest because I couldn't find the place it took place in, read the comments about how hard the quest was (but they were complaining about it being hard for rogues) and got a bit discouraged (OMG. I'm going to die, like, three times before giving up), but I took it nice and slow, kited out the guards (mostly in twos), and killed off everyone (and then they respawn, of course. u__u), took on some level 35s, and LIVED THE WHOLE TIME! XD I had a few close calls, that's for sure... but I find it an indication that I am starting to get to know my character and her abilities better. I also seem to have a stalker-noob. >_< I'll call him Lich, for the sake of being nice, but two nights ago, we were with him in an instance and he was being an idiot. Then last night in Org, he was trying to sell a crappy sword and kept changing his prices. Then this morning, he's all like, "Wanna go to BFD?" ;___; Nooooo. That's one friend's list I don't wanna be on!

Anyway, if you made it through that silly rant, you get a gold star! XD;

bjd, wow

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