Meds and Frustration.

Apr 05, 2007 06:32

Uuuuaaagh. This whole meds thing is really getting to me now. I'm going to have to call tomorrow and see if I can see the doctor. I don't have any money, though. I'm so broke from having to fix my car and bills and the like that it's really killed a paycheck fast. I don't think I can make my move-out deadline of the 15th-22nd. I haven't got any money for deposits or even a place honestly picked out (though I do have my eyes set on a couple). It's so depressing.

We're having my sister's miscreants kids over this weekend. That also includes the neurotic bitch that got knocked up girlfriend of J.W., whom I can't think of her name, nor is it important, with the baby. Uh... wtf? Sister dear, we do the inviting, and I don't recall inviting her. They're gonna be all over my Wii, which I will conveniently unhook (the PS2 needs playing, anyway. ;3) and I don't need them all over my shit. Six kids + uninvited girlfriend + baby = OMG TOO DAMN MANY PEOPLE. It's too damn many people without the uninvited ones. *twitch* Can we see where I'm going with this?

My oldest sister, Diana, is doing better--thanks everyone. She's got some irregularities in her bowels and the prognosis looks pretty sunny. Had me scared there for a moment, though. :\


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