Mar 16, 2007 19:20
Hey, Tony! I signed us up for a Super Smash Brothers meetup on Sunday at about 2:30 at A-Kon! *rubs hands together* Getcher tunics ready.
I've been making some crap webpages displaying what I've got for sale. Hopefully I can make a layout soon. :3 But it'll probably be some empty project that won't get up to its full potential.
I got the laurel for my Pit costume done today. I'd already spray-painted the leaves gold, so all that was left was to wrap wire around them and a piece of floral wire, and voila! Laurel. XD; Now... I gotta grow balls and cut my hair. (Not literally, of course. But I do need to cut my hair.) What's left? My toga, the bracelets/bracers, and finish strapping out the boots. Helloooo, E-6000. If I have the costume done in time (which, I don't see why I wouldn't.) I'd like to wear it to the release of Super Smash Brothers Brawl at GameStop (And no, not the lameass one in the mall. Those jerks are morons; One did not know who 'Zelda' was. Srsly. I have better hookups with the one close to the base.) like the big flaming geek I am. XDD;