Happy Vee Day~!

Feb 14, 2007 20:36

I'm feelin' the lurve. X3 <3

I got GORGEOUS roses again this year from Tony! <3<3<3 He also sent me the rest of my Confidential Confessions manga that I've gotten into. (Which, by the way, is anyone interested in Vol. #5 or CC:DEAI #2? I got doubles. ^^;; CC has a detatched storyline, thus making it unnecessary to have read them all; each volume contains a new set of stories.)

I converted a Valentines bear into a squirrel (wire + maribou = squirrel implants XD) for my mom and she got a big kick out of it. I went all out on my parents this year. ^^; I suppose it was to help compensate for last year, seeing as I didn't even get them a card.

And also today... I walked over to Hastings after work to see if the new Haute Doll had come in (yes, it did. <3) and OMGKTHOIEHGKHTKGHTUHT I FOUND ANOTHER WII REMOTE. LIKE OMG IT IS SO HARD TO FIND ONE I A STORE. Snatched it up, so I can, like... start my goal toward a Wii Party. <3

...And Ohmahgawsh I found this today while Googling "a-kon link zelda" (because I was looking for pictures of us together ^^;;) and I've got to say, "Wow." ;___; It's gonna kinda scare me to go to A-Kon next year because... um, whoa? We're kinda famous? ^^;; Guess this means I need to get my ass together on getting a decent costume ready for next year!

video games, cosplay

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