You guys get full on my angst. :3

Jul 08, 2006 23:16

Okay. I've been undertaking the wonderfully long painstaking task of adjusting brightness, resizing, and in one case, touching up a wardrobe malfunction (it was mine, of course. *facepalm*) on cosplay photos from A-Kon. x__x;

Bloody hell, our broadband blows. I'm having to upload one picture at a time. They're not really all that big, either, but I think Photobucket is resizing them, which isn't cool in my book.

... The more I look at that picture of me (as Link) with a Tetra and Medli, the more I know they're the ladies we sat next to during cosplay. <3 I wish I'd gotten their e-mail addies or something. ;__;

I threaten to be this one's lesbian lover. Except... I don't know her sexual orientation. She makes a damn good Twilight Princess Link, though. I have a picture of me as TP Zelda with her on my other memory card, I think. <3

This one wins my "HOLY SHIT!" award! <3 She did this one pretty well, I'll admit. She also did a kickass Phantom of the Opera costume, but I didn't manage to get a picture of it. ;___;

"OMFG THAT'S FUCKING CUTE" Award Runner-up. I love how her ears blend with her wig.

I think the creepiest part about this, other than the costume being pretty much spot-on perfect, is that he actually LOOKS LIKE PENCE. o__o;

ZO-LO-PHIIIIILEE~! *can't resist* XDDDD; Tony's friends.

Yes. Second year in a row, "OMFG THAT'S FUCKING CUTE" grand prize goes to a moogle girl. XDDD;

Damn, that 'tarded Link can't pose worth a damn. I had to fix her wardrobe malfunction, too. (Tunic went up a little high and showed some of my shirt.) e_e;;; TONY, Don't these look like the gals that sat next to us? <3

This picture's not about Cloud. It's about the guy in the background wearing a top hat. See him? He's cool. He was a guy that jumped through hoops with suggestions to get my sword to pass weapons check the next morning. Top Hat Guy, you can rob liquor stores with your awesomeness. <3

You can get more pictures here.

I think I'll do Dollmeet and my picture whorage later. x_x;

cosplay, a-kon

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