Apr 12, 2006 17:59

O.M.F.G. My Star Wars nerdness is showing. AND THAT IS BECAUSE PETER MAHEW IS COMING TO A-KON THIS YEAR! XD;; Okay. Most of you don't know who the hell I'm talking about. THIS IS THE DISTURBINGLY TALL GUY THAT STARRED AS CHEWBACCA. O___O; *flails* I MUST SEE HIM! I couldn't be considered a Star Wars geek without seeing him while I have the opportunity, right? Right.

Um. I splurged. And now I hurt (I need gas money. ;_;). But... Kingdom Hearts II is on sale at Wal-Mart for $37.99. Get it. Three days of playing has landed me in Sora's Storyline, past Beast's Castle, past Land of Dragons.

Okay. This is primarily for those that haven't played Chain of Memories and is wondering what relevence it holds. The beginning of KHII is like a puzzle that has lost so many of its pieces. Had I not played Chain of Memories, it would've been SO MUCH HARDER for me to keep up. XD;;

Why does the game start out with Roxas instead of Sora?
The flow of the story demands it. ^~; Okay. I'll be more specific. This segment is used to introduce to you Naminé, DiZ, and more Organization characters, as well as fill you in on things that happened in KH and KH:CoM. A brief synopsis of CoM (in my own words):

One day, Sora, Goofy and Donald come to a mysterious castle after the events of Kingdom Hearts (sealing the door of light, leaving King Mickey and Riku inside). This castle-- Castle Oblivion-- is run by the cloak-adorned crew known as Organization XIII. Organization XIII uses a small blonde girl named Naminé to rework Sora's memories; she would restructure the chains of Sora's memories, as if his memories of Kairi would be replaced with Naminé-- whom he hadn't even met. Later in the game and after more mind chaos, Naminé begins to feel guilty and defies the Organization XIII's plans. She then tells Sora the truth and gives him an option: "You can keep these memories of me and lose the others forever; or you can get your old memories back, but you'd have to forget about me." Sora chooses to get his old memories back, so Naminé has he, Donald, and Goofy go into hibernation in these flowery egg capsules so that she can restructure their memories correctly. Before entering the capsules, Jiminy writes in his journal, "Thank Naminé."

Okay. You're still wondering how Roxas fits in with this. Roxas has his own past to find and Naminé leads him to a mansion in Twilight Town. There, he finds out more of his past as well as stumbles into the capsulized Sora. Basically, Roxas is the one to awaken Sora.

My nitpickiness and I LOSE.
I don't recall, but did they change VAs for Ansem? He just doesn't have the oomph and drama that he had in the original Kingdom Hearts. :< Paging Billy Zane, where are you?

I thought I'd like the new Aerith. I don't. It's strange that I actually liked Mandy Moore better. In fact, it's sad. But this new Aerith isn't cutting it. She doesn't have much feeling. It's like she's reading off the script. I hate that.

.....Aaaand Jesse McCartney doesn't make a bad Roxas. .__.; I'll admit, he did a good job. I still don't give him any preference in his other venues, though. T_T;

Setzer + Crispin Freeman = sex. Except... I'unno, Setzer was an ass in the game. I actually came to like Seifer more than Setzer. :< THE FUUJIN = CUTE. I need to cosplay Fuujin someday. Just for you, Tim. XD;;

Working, working, working! Woooo. Wooo. Oh. And my ex-boss is so immature. The day before yesterday we saw Bro. Ross, who is Janice's pastor. I'm sure he saw me, but I avoided him as much as possible. He's buddy-buddy with her. Then... Guess who shows up yesterday morning? Teresa, the person that took over my job. I'm sorry, but this seems too damn fishy for my liking. Mr. Ross probably called Janice and Janice sent Teresa to check it out. Ugh. I had to talk to my boss about it and he said things would be okay. If Janice were to start anything (be it physical or verbal), he'd have her removed from the store. If she comes through my line, he said that if I were disgustingly sweet like I normally am, it would make her look like a horse's ass. So there. -_-;

I bought The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe when I bought KHII and Mom and I watched it last night. :3 That movie is just too awesome. Anyone wanna move me to New Zealand? XD; I swear. It has the best scenery in these epic fantasy movies. *_*

video games, work problems, a-kon

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