SCA stuff.

Mar 24, 2011 17:52

So my on-going quest for finding clothing appropriate for SCA (Society of Creative Anachronisms) has been highly fruitful. It took me a while to find the clothing, but I have finally found not only countless descriptions, but actual accompanying pictures! Huzzah!

This is one of my sources in case anyone else needs it:

Pictures, pictures, pictures. It's what I need.

My next quest is to find out exactly what kind of jewelry they wore. A daunting task perhaps. Enter in the phrase "Celtic Jewelry" into google and you'd be inundated with modern Celtic knots and green men of silver and gold, all modern of course. I'm not sure as of yet if the time I'm from will have Torcs. They were worn for a large period of time, and it seems as if the type of dress I found spanned through most of Celtic history. So I'll likely be wearing that and a Torc. I'll need to do more research.

Also, I need Sandals. Luckily my friend Chris is a leathersmith and can make me Period sandals. I just have to -again- make sure those sandals were worn at the proper time. Hey, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right. I'll have to modify things over time for sure, switch up the outfits and change things here and there, but that's half the fun :D Top it off with doing my own embroidering, and I'd say I've got my hands full!

Honestly though, it feels good to be active in something like this. Brendoken is a wonderful house, and it's been so very nice to see Paul relax and have fun and still do what he loves to do... you know...shmoozing people haha!

Anyway, I think that's all for now. I'll post as I progress, and I'll put up pictures as I get the outfit going. :3
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