Jul 05, 2012 19:10
Green has always been such an interesting theme in my life. It's an ultimate comfort color much like Mac n' Cheese is a comfort food for many. When I was young, I had dreams of a green-eyed person with silver hair. It was the same dream. I'd wake up in my bed, look out the window, and know somehow it was time to go meet him. I'd sneak out of the house, cross the fence at the side of my house, and make my way through the field to where he stood. I was never afraid even though he was tall and frightening to see.
Years later I ran across Final Fantasy 7. The enemy, Sephiroth (A name derived from the Cabala) was depicted as silver-haired and green-eyed. He wasn't a typical enemy. He didn't do evil for evil's sake. He thought he was doing good, reigning in the world and creating chaos to change the world and create a (twisted) sense of order.
Soon after this, I randomly decided that one day I would find myself a man with black hair and green eyes. I don't even think that combination readily exists in the world, but I was drawn to the idea.
And then there were my Faerie Oracle cards. One of the cards depicts a little green faerie whose element is fire. Green fire. He is full of energy, and is full of drive, wanting to go faster, harder, stronger!
Recently, the movies Thor and Avengers came out. Enter: Loki. An enemy I could get behind and sympathize with. In the movie he's depicted as having black hair and green eyes. Beautiful. Cunning. Heart-breaking. Not really a bad guy at all considering the circumstances. If anything, he's probably the most level-headed character aside from Odin. I really connected to the idea of Loki when I had hit a hard point in my life. I had already known a lot about the Norse mythologies, but after that point I began to study it more. It's strange how the silliest things can spark inspiration in us, forcing us to burn away our fears and overcome the obstacles in our lives.
Wherever my faith lies, whatever I choose to do with myself, it does not really matter as long as I am become more than what I was, better than what I was. I don't have all the answers, and I don't know the right path, but at least I am pushing forward. I am tired beyond my years, and I have so much life left to live. So I think I shall let the green fire burn a little longer, let the idea dance in my mind a little more.
I am alive.