(no subject)

Nov 08, 2011 19:35

Managed to get some stuff moved around. We are able to make use of the mini island by setting it next to the kitchen island where the liter box used to be. Moved the liter box over next to the trash can, and that freed up the mini fridge. The mini fridge will have to be defrosted in the summer. The freezer part is one big ice block. Also managed to make room in the bedroom by using the closet as storage for the moment. Our big tackle will still be the back wall of the living room. Once we get the old chair and the old mattress out of the way, we'll be able to work a little more on organizing that area. I think maybe if we take the workout equipment into the garage until it's time to be used then we would free up quite a bit more space. If we take it to the side garage and not the detached, then it will keep the equipment from getting too dirty, but we'd have to organize the side garage, and that's going to be a summer task. I think it will be okay in the detached garage for now.

Eventually we'll have to make room for the rest of our stuff. I'll be bringing some of the stuff I went home with. All else fails, I may have to ask my friend Nightwolf if I can store a bit in his storage units. It wouldn't be much of course. Eventually we'll go through all the boxes and downsize more of our things. We do have an excess of stuff and are willing to get rid of it. We'll probably keep the blankets at least. Those are always nice to have when guests come over. It's why we decided to keep the futon couch.

I'm also considering how we can arrange the living room. I'm trying to figure out if turning the table will create better flow in the room or not. But like I am thinking, it will be better once we get the old mattress and chair out of the room.

We got the kitchen cleaned up, too. But then 86 made dinner. LOL. No big deal. We'll clean it again. Managed to fix the vacuum, too. 86's mom said it needed to be duct taped. Turns out the hose just needed to be attached there. Slightly odd set-up. The table was cleared off, too. It was nice to have all the candles lit on it last night. It was very pretty.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. peace!

Well, here's hoping. One day at a time.
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