even if your were horrifically disfigured in a freak accident, I'd still love you!

Dec 14, 2008 19:21

um, so last week was exams, they were so brutal, but I'm fairly sure I passed everything which is good :) Stupid OC Transpo strike is fucking up my life, and I feel horrible because my Mama is carting my ass all over creation so that I can work a bunch over the Christmas break. And if this strike isn't over by January I am doubly fucked because I have to get to field placement too, and if some of my required hours and can't make it up, I don't graduate.
I definately should have just stayed in bed today rather than go to stupid the botchery... It was just stupid Mark at work today, and he made me be his secretary again. I told him he was my third all time favourite Jew lol. I am excited for Christmas tho, a bunch of old staff are coming back, so it won't be just me and the retard new staff we've got going on now.
My poor mummy, she got up super early to drive me to work, then took Sam out for lunch or something, then came and picked me up from work, drove us to Mark's place, then to his girlfriend Jess' place to pick her up. (Mark told us it was just on woodroffe, by which he apparently meant Barhaven lol, he's quite dumb.. he was like "Oh... this is Barhaven? I always wondered.." ) then all the way downtown to the Honest Lawyer, for Mark's work Christmas Party then all the way back to my place to pick up muffin mix :P then to Sarah's esso and then here. So I am currently sitting on Sarah's couch waiting for her to get off work. Man it would be so sweet to have a couch! My Mama is giving me a coffee table tho! I think we will get a bunch of her stuff when she moves.
boo.... I miss my baby  :(  Other than the two second stop in for coffee I haven't seen her since friday morning! That's probably the longest we've gone without seeing eachother in our whole relationship thus far lol. It's borderline pathetic how much I miss her actually. I can't wait for her to get home so we can just lie in bed together.
I'm highly confused by my cell phone, it wasn't working at all, all day, and now it's fine again... it's kind of rediculous. Cancel that, it's fucking up again. This is my third attempt to send a text message...... failed... balls. Hey! there it goes lol... Stupid Telus.

I'm actually quite proud of myself, I'm almost finished Christmas shopping! Except I usually buy things for people like randomly through the whole month. Poor Mark is going to hate my present for him, but I got him a really nice sweater coat thingie... it's cool. He'll hate it, but he needs something, his coat is ugly and old. And he has a pretty girlfriend he should probably at least try to look good for. I will just get him a coles gift card too or something, that will make him happy. I got Sam a cd, but I think I will get her something else too. I love shopping for my Mama, she's so easy to buy for! mostly because we like the same stuff. And I definately got tricked into giving Sarah her Chrsitmas present early, which is cool because then I got mine early, and I am currently quite comfy in my sweet batman sweater... being how as I'm Batman... and she's not lol. Um, but yeah I will feel bad if she doesn't have something from me to open on Christmas... hmmmmmmmm that's a thinker... I don't know what else to get her...
AAaaaah roommate! I feel a little weird being here without Sarah, except for not... I am actually quite comfortable here... feels like home sort of... more so when Sarah is actually here too... I miss my Riley O'Riley tho.... because I am a loser, but Sam said she would buy food and litter this time, and I will give her money next week when the insurace comes out. So that's good...
blaaa tired... and rambling.......ok, So I think I am going to go bake some muffins, and maybe do paint by numbers and wait for my woman to get home... I feel rather domestic. haha.

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