Jan 20, 2003 14:05
Inspired partly by Langmaker (www.langmaker.com), I've sat down and started a translation of the Babel Text (you know, the story of the Tower of Babel) into my conlang. The conlang's called Western Shiron, though that's the Anglicized name for it. No dumb jokes from numbskulls that way.
Anyway, here's how it's shaping up so far:
1. Rai tyok avreka se dom'uva ta maryu.
2. Amyin'irai kadha lam'ulan, dirai tess shiro kat'a Shimar'e; mirdirai.
Vowels following an apostrophe are either silent or minimally pronounced. Yeah, it's not proper notation, but I don't feel like battling ASCII for a notation scheme that's liable to get shuffled again later.
And I haven't even indicated long and short vowels. Blah. Oh well.