Aug 02, 2010 23:20
[ When Hibari woke up from an afternoon nap in his new house on 5719 Cunningham Lane, it was pretty clear from the get-go that he was definitely not where he was when he fell asleep. But instead of doing the logical thing and calling somebody -- relying on others is something he isn't interested in, after all -- his first reaction was to just get out of there, asap. So, here are three situations you might find Hibari in on his first day at Mayfield: ONE. Hibari is wandering around the town, trying to figure out where he is and how to get back to where he belongs. He looks irritated, but from the disoriented way he picks his path (basically by turning onto whatever street happens to peak his interest) and the fact that he seems to be getting more and more agitated the longer he walks around, it's pretty obvious that he's lost.
TWO. An hour or so of wandering, and Hibari's stumbled upon Mayfield High School and has been standing in front of it for a while now. The problem with Mayfield High School is that it is not Namimori Middle School, and he absolutely cannot tolerate this... imposter school being here. He's glaring at the building like that'll somehow fix the problem, although from an outsider's perspective he probably looks like a violent, angry truant teenager.
THREE. After finding his way back to his house, he's somehow found a way to get up on the roof. He's not doing much, just lying back on the roof tiles and watching the sky above.
This is probably the least dangerous Hibari will ever be, seeing as he's without any weapons and therefore somewhat less likely to roll out the death threats. Make of that what you will, Mayfield...! ]